Job Market News


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I've moved my funds into the C & S, 50/50 for Monday, hoping to catch the wave following the good job news on Friday! I hope the trend Tom posted on the S&P 500 transpires this time around as well!

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I thought I did this too. Make sure you check as my intrafund transfer doesn't seem to have happened. I clicked confirmed but apparently it didn't. I have to go to work to see if an email confirmation arrived.
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smine -
If you made the transferFriday morning before the deadline, you will be in the new allocation on Monday and your account will show that on Monday morning.

Check it out on Monday and confirm this for us if you will.

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I had coworkers who also made this move and their money and new transfers are posted as such already this moring.Very disappointing to make "great" money decisions, watch the market sore on Friday then see no change on the TSP site. Yeah, chump change of $67 increase. I EXPECTED $$$. As I said. this has happened twice now. Afterall, they are just people accepting these frequent changes. People means margin of error. I'll look at work for the confirmation email then go from there. Too late to make intrafund tansfer today as it won't get processed until Monday for Tuesday's market.
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You dont have to wait til Monday, mine has already made my change this morning, 100 % F fund for me.

Frizz B.
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Yes, but you "arranged" your move yesterday before 11am. There is no point in doing that on the weekend. Very disappointing Saturday:(and we get 1 hour of sleep less!