jason011235813 Account Talk

Congrats, I would be interested in seeing some of your TSP price tracking in chart form if you have them, not many of us track TSP specific prices, this is a good speciality for analysis.
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Congrats, I would be interested in seeing some of your TSP price tracking in chart form if you have them, not many of us track TSP specif prices, this is a good place for analysis.
It gives me an idea of support or resistance. Not the best quality, but serves its purpose.
I figure if i graph it, something may jump out at me. Keeps me involved in the learning process too.

Well, for myself, I'm an excel junky, which works for me. I could never switch over to paper, but there is something to be said for the process of putting pen to paper, you can't simulate that sort of connection with a computer, props to you. :)
Hey, welcome! Your avatar is small, but based on your wardrobe and pose, I can tell you'll probably outperform most of us. :D Best of luck!
Thank you, both of you.
JTH - paper and pencil was all i had.... soooooooooo. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Sensei - very kind words. Only time will tell, and it appears that such is in my favor. Let us hope so. "My teacup is empty, Sensei."