I came across this website and thought it was fairly useful in terms of advice/guidance. This is my first time posting, so please forgive me if I posted this in the wrong thread. I remember reading on various sites that the Roth TSP is attractive for younger feds due to the lower tax bracket benefits; however, I was wondering if the Roth TSP is right for me. I started working for the G while in high school and have earnestly put money into my TSP.
Once I turned full-time in 2008, I maxed out my contributions to get the full benefit as allowed per IRS rules. Currently I am allocating all of my money in the Roth TSP. I am 26 and have a lot more years to go before I retire and my balance as of today is $88,921. The PIP for CY 2012 was 15.1%.
My question is, does it makes sense for me to be allocating all of my money towards the Roth? I am a GS-13 Step 2 so I'm not exactly in a lower tax bracket. Given the way the market is flowing, would it make more sense for me to go the traditional TSP route so that I can invest more money up front and hope that in the long run, the market will rebound so that my end result is higher OR should I stay the course with the Roth for the tax benefit at the end. Pardon my financial ignorance, I never took a financial planning/econ class in school.
Once I turned full-time in 2008, I maxed out my contributions to get the full benefit as allowed per IRS rules. Currently I am allocating all of my money in the Roth TSP. I am 26 and have a lot more years to go before I retire and my balance as of today is $88,921. The PIP for CY 2012 was 15.1%.
My question is, does it makes sense for me to be allocating all of my money towards the Roth? I am a GS-13 Step 2 so I'm not exactly in a lower tax bracket. Given the way the market is flowing, would it make more sense for me to go the traditional TSP route so that I can invest more money up front and hope that in the long run, the market will rebound so that my end result is higher OR should I stay the course with the Roth for the tax benefit at the end. Pardon my financial ignorance, I never took a financial planning/econ class in school.