Well-known member
I think this deserves its own thread.
Called TSP today and asked that they elevate issue as they are not using the correct tables for 2022 (Life Expectancy (LE payment/72(t) rules) but I didn't have the specific reference and couldn't find anything from a government website other than the proposed regulation https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/11/12/2020-24723/updated-life-expectancy-and-distribution-period-tables-used-for-purposes-of-determining-minimum#p-73 while on the phone. So in doing research I found the following references:
I just finished submitting a looooong Message in TSP’s Message Center with these 3 references. Not sure if I will get any more reliable or quicker response here than by calling in but it is less frustrating and easier to document this way. I did get a response within a day to a much simple issue about 5 years ago. Per the website, they are supposed to reply within 2 business days. I will check back next Wednesday.
If you are subject to LE payments or RMDs and want the lessor amount based on the new tables taken out of TSP this year, I suggest you contact TSP https://www.tsp.gov/contact/ to express your concern about them using the updated tables for calculating the amount. For those in my situation, using the wrong table could result in 10% early withdrawal penalties. Since the new factor decrease your payments ~6 to 9% (Mid 50s to early 60s) don't be shocked if your payment decreases substantially at some point later this year if they take corrective action (they will have to reduce future payments by any overpayments already made unless there is some type of waiver or exception) .
To use the Message Center, log into your TSP account, select Message Center (left column), Messages (second tab) & Compose Message (left orange rectangle).
Happy Trails
Good News for Retirees: RMD Formula Changing for First Time in Decades
Called TSP today and asked that they elevate issue as they are not using the correct tables for 2022 (Life Expectancy (LE payment/72(t) rules) but I didn't have the specific reference and couldn't find anything from a government website other than the proposed regulation https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/11/12/2020-24723/updated-life-expectancy-and-distribution-period-tables-used-for-purposes-of-determining-minimum#p-73 while on the phone. So in doing research I found the following references:
- 26 CFR § 1.401(a)(9)-9 - Life expectancy and distribution period tables. https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/26/1.401(a)(9)-9.
- Final Rule: https://www.regulations.gov/document/IRS-2019-0050-0057
- IRS Pub 590-B has not been updated but there is a draft form with the new tables available at https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-dft/p590b--dft.pdfsee Appendix B
I just finished submitting a looooong Message in TSP’s Message Center with these 3 references. Not sure if I will get any more reliable or quicker response here than by calling in but it is less frustrating and easier to document this way. I did get a response within a day to a much simple issue about 5 years ago. Per the website, they are supposed to reply within 2 business days. I will check back next Wednesday.
If you are subject to LE payments or RMDs and want the lessor amount based on the new tables taken out of TSP this year, I suggest you contact TSP https://www.tsp.gov/contact/ to express your concern about them using the updated tables for calculating the amount. For those in my situation, using the wrong table could result in 10% early withdrawal penalties. Since the new factor decrease your payments ~6 to 9% (Mid 50s to early 60s) don't be shocked if your payment decreases substantially at some point later this year if they take corrective action (they will have to reduce future payments by any overpayments already made unless there is some type of waiver or exception) .
To use the Message Center, log into your TSP account, select Message Center (left column), Messages (second tab) & Compose Message (left orange rectangle).
Happy Trails