Interfund Transfer 7/26 for 7/27/07


Staff member
100% S fund

This may be a dangerous move as the market has obviously been very volatile lately. I am going to make a SHORT-TERM move into stocks this morning and make an Interfund Transfer to 100% S fund. I may back right out of this trade in a day or two as I want to stay nimble in these market conditions.
I have not put my 3 cents lately but I have a question: When you make an Interfund Transfer and notify people by email, is this real money in your TSP account? I have been following your moves for several months and they are hard to understand. Myself, I am at 92% L (lowest level) fund and 8 % I fund and have suffered huge losses this week. As the market settles down, I will invest more in the higher level L funds and a bigger % in the C/I funds.

Hoping to recover losses next week.
Comments on this strategy?
Hi Timmie -
It is what I do in my account - not necessarily what anyone else should be doing.

What are you having trouble understanding? Is it the buy and sell signals being confused with the different systems? I try to make it know when Trader fred is making a move vs. when I do. We have not been sending out the ebbchart system signal through email yet.
Thanks for the clarification. I merely asked is this real money in your TSP account? I treat your comments and those of others as information only and do not fault anyone if I make a wrong decision. I have done quite well in the I fund and happy with the results.

I don't understand going from a very safe position in the G fund and switching 100% to the S fund since has been the hardest hit. Seems like a very risky position to me.

Perhaps I shouldn't of made the comment about my losses lately. I realize my lossess are small compared to others on this board.

Your funds available may go down but remember as long as you have the same number of shares available your money will return when the market climbs out of the slump. Its when you transfer back and forth and you loose the shares because of a buying slip at a higher price that you really loose out.
This is where I get confused. In your TSP Talk Allocation and Market Outlook Alert email on August 2nd, you say We will make a rare move in our long-term less active account. Then you say Remember this is not our active account that we normally track.

I guess, I don't know, that there is a long-term less active account owned by some. More confusion: When you say Remember this is not our active account that we normally track This seems to indicate others use the active account. I understand this is your personal account and when you issue an email stating your intent to change funds, your army may do the same.

I'm bringing this up to advise newbies to this message board who may be as confused I pretend to be.

Note: I am also in the F fund for Thursday and Friday. I haven't made up my mind yet for Monday's market. Everyone: Don't follow my moves; read Tom Crowley's column and decide for yourself if his advise if good enough for you