Interfund Transfer 5/20 for 5/23/05

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I fund should be smoked today.

What a dollar rally!!!

Wow. The gold bugs are jumping out the windows.
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USD has taken the field.

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tsptalk wrote:
Effective 5/23 (or 5/20 COB) I will be 65% C fund, 35% S fund.

Thanks for all you do! I agree that the I fund seems about at its limit, but I'm curious about your distribution in the C & S funds. It looks to me like the C fundis not doing as well as the S fund, and the shares are higher priced in the S. Are you trying to even out the coverage by going 65% C & 35%S? That seems upside-down. In fact, I went for a 50/50 split, just so I wouldn't wander too far from your plan, but still take more advantage of the better-performing Sfund. I suppose I could lose more, as well, if it tanks. What am I missing? :?
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You are missing the fact that the S fund will be facing considerable head winds going forward. They've been outperforming for oh maybe 5 to 7 years depending on the starting times. You will still make money - just not as much as in the C fund. I like your avatar - do you know how much G force you can handle? I'm prepared to be pushed at least 2 inches in to my seat - got to get someone to light the afterburners here- will you do it, please. Good flying! Regards

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If you turn your monitor upside down the allocation is 65-35. On it's side it's 50-50. Right side up it's 35-65. However, at 65-35, or 35-65 the mouse will only scroll up and down. On it's side, you can scroll left and right.
Theats why we are called the dysfunctional 6 or 7.

;) Spaf
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The tape has got me wiggling in my seat- would that be regarded as dysfunctional. I see where Merrill did a survey of 300 ecconomist and they all think the Fed rate is going to 3.7% They must be all 25 and just out of MBA school. It won't be long and the 50 million Frenchmen will have the same thing to say. How much higher before 6/29-30 FOMC meeting. 1255 on the sp500- no wait how about 1300. Regards

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I am so superstitious about opening my mouth :xduring b--- transitions. If I say:}it turns and goes :{. So I phrase my talk in questions!

But I'm improving, it has helped a lot to reposition the letters of the keyboard!

Rgds. (member of the dysfunctional ??) :u Spaf
imported post

Dudg wrote:
tsptalk wrote:
Effective 5/23 (or 5/20 COB) I will be 65% C fund, 35% S fund.

Thanks for all you do! I agree that the I fund seems about at its limit, but I'm curious about your distribution in the C & S funds. It looks to me like the C fundis not doing as well as the S fund, and the shares are higher priced in the S. Are you trying to even out the coverage by going 65% C & 35%S? That seems upside-down. In fact, I went for a 50/50 split, just so I wouldn't wander too far from your plan, but still take more advantage of the better-performing Sfund. I suppose I could lose more, as well, if it tanks. What am I missing? :?
Hi Dudg -
Using the S fund here is not a bad idea. It will be volitile which means the gains could be higher, but as Dennis said, it is also seeing obstacles and might be hit harder on a pullback. I have wrestled with this myself. 50/50 is not a bad idea.

So short term, yes, the S could make a move. In the intermediate to longer term, I still like the C fund.