Interfund Transfer 08/04 for 08/07/06


Staff member
August has me trading a bit more than I'd like. This morning's big rally has me thinking we should get a little more defensive in front of Tuesday's Fed meeting.

I am initiating an interfund transfer this morning going 30% G, 70% C fund.
It's amazing how quickly the market changes faces these days. If we were day traders we'd look like geniuses. With the one day delay we're more apt to get whipsawed. I would have liked to have booked the earlier gains before seeing this 2nd half weakness, but that's the way TSP goes.

Now, if Monday is down, we could be setting up for a post Fed rally - although the market is still quite overbought.
Ok so TSP'ers are a day behind. That is assuming one can get thier change in by noon in order to make it effective by the following day. How about someone like me who does not have access to a computor untill that afternoon? Making the change at that point would put me two days behind. Is my assumption correct? Might have to get the wife involved. But that could be risky in and of itself...LOL
mailmanusa said:
Ok so TSP'ers are a day behind. That is assuming one can get thier change in by noon in order to make it effective by the following day. How about someone like me who does not have access to a computor untill that afternoon? Making the change at that point would put me two days behind. Is my assumption correct? Might have to get the wife involved. But that could be risky in and of itself...LOL

(postal humour) Uhh, you bid to a Tour 3 or Tour 1 job. ROFLMAO:D

Are you doing IFT or is it for tracking purposed on the MB?

If you are doing a IFT use the Thriftline yourself and have the wife do the move on the MB for tracking.
mailmanusa said:
Ok so TSP'ers are a day behind. That is assuming one can get thier change in by noon in order to make it effective by the following day. How about someone like me who does not have access to a computor untill that afternoon? Making the change at that point would put me two days behind. Is my assumption correct? Might have to get the wife involved. But that could be risky in and of itself...LOL
Just think a little longer term. This day trading stuff is hit and miss with our TSP anyway.