Interested in Stopping Smoking?


Hi fellow members,
I wanted to share with you my recent experience with the electronic cigarette (e-cig).
I have been using it for 2 months and 2 weeks and haven’t been tempted to smoke a regular cigarette since the day I started using it.

There is no smoke or tobacco involved – just a vapor and nicotine.
They have been popular in Europe and Asia but are relatively unknown here in the US

Please feel free to PM me if you want more information.

Here is a video from one company.

PS I have no financial or other interest but my personal usage re: e-cigs.
Quit cold turkey 1 week, 3 days, 1 hour, 58 minutes, 41 seconds ago.

After 35 years of a pack-and-a-half a day, I am now a non-smoker.

Jesus works.

After trying unsuccessfully several times previously- I never could make it more than a day- as the nicotine desire overpowered everything. I mean I was hooked so bad I could not stand it without a cig.

This time I simply prayed for God to remove the nicotine cravings, and help me make it so I wouldn't cave to the crave.

I didn't have a single urge.

True story.
Jesus is still a miracle worker, James, and gracious. Truly. I am so glad for you. took my dad 30 years and many tries before he was able to stop. Retirement will be sooooo much better without having to spend your days fighting the cravings.
You'll fall come week #6 - that's when you think you've won until you realize you haven't. It will sneak up on you with the least bit of tension and the cig will be between your lips as a natural feeling. Don't leave any in a private hiding place as an emergency out - just suffer as you know you must - go mow the yard. Keep your fingers busy and just suffer - there is no easy way to kick this habit except by enduring the pain. Jesus doesn't care and neither do your blood vessels - they want nicotine. Trust me when I tell you that you should be prepared to gain some serious weight. The more you suffer the more you will win - it's the only solution. Even as in investing no pain no gain. As a retired Respiratory Therapist talking with many years of experience the only way to be free is to gladly suffer and suffer you must to be free of that demon.
I wish I could be more supportive but the harsh reality is that it is extremely difficult to quit - even after open heart surgery most smokers go back to their favorite brand. Something like Paxil may help reduce the anxiety. I quit when I was in Vietnam because it was such a hassel trying to keep them dry - I just gave up and suffered trying to stay alive. But I had only smoked for four years rather than 35 - he is due for a battle to stay alive and his blood vessels don't care if he lives or dies.
You can do it. I know you can. Every hour your lungs clear more and your body thanks you by being healthier. We're pulling with you!
good going James, mix up your routine to throw off your body clock. That will help.
Check in often.
Here's a link about this very subject I heard about while listening to one of my Fav "Left Wingers"! (guaranteed to get CB going... LOL:D)