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[align=left]Inflation [/b][/align]

[align=left]1. The act of inflating or the state of being inflated.[/align]

[align=left]2. An abnormal increase in the available currency…[/align]

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So the M3 has inflated 1.5 times since 1995...... thats 150%.....:shock:

Right in sync with the devaluation of the dollar.......gonna reduce that national debt lowering its value......

Same o same o....

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If it continues then everything bought by dollars is going to continue to inflate at alarming rates......oil....I fund.....etc etc....:shock:

Question is it going to continue??? We have seen here lately that the dollar has had a studder step in its devaluation......hence I fund going down....oil going down....and so forth....

Does this mean we should expect more devaluation??? or an increase in value???

Maybe we allshould take some time to figure this one out???:^

anybody got anything to say????

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With the USD on the current path itis going (up).

That makes our exports less competitive (more expensive).

It also makes imports cheaper.

It makes our treasuries more attractive for foreign central banks.

Meaning the housing bubble will continue.

Not good. This means our current account is going to grow much faster. Last quarter 195.1B. We will probably break 200B this quarter. :shock:
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Everyone country I have studied that has been in this situation has had to start over. We are in uncharted waters with our big three deficiets.

I read a interesting piece byGilleispie Researchtoday (paid service - so I can link).

That if the way inflation and unemployment was figured out the way it was in 1980 that the GDP would be zero% or below and unemployment would be 12.5% now.

They called it because of the results of systemic manipulations we have what we have3 plus GDP and a 5.4% unemployment rate.

I found that interesting. :shock:
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Maybe, we can prolong the debt by going sideways.....but I highly doubt we will every pay off the debt....eventually, we will go 3rd world status and debt is South Africa....ever other US citizen will be at poverty level....little income, therefore no tax base, no healthcare, nothing.....where do you invest to keep from going that way.....China???? I fund to grow more???? Foreign currency......???? Dollar is worthless....

So then, who defends the world peace in the future.....nobody...we will be doing good to defend our homes........true 3rd world situation....

All this because of the pilfering of the taxes collected by the govt ......pork barrel projects, inflated profits on govt contract settlements.....guess without any controls over our financial assets, we get gored.......

You know if you want to prolong a profitwithout any growth, you change the data in the company this what we have here.....govt changed the data to prolong the great economy, while the US citizen gets it in the mean time????

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Oh we are back to square one.

Prolonged by M3.


BTW have you looked at China's stock market. They hit a decade low with 9.5% GDP growth. Kind of makes our 3% look suspect. IMHO.

I have been short there all year - and loving every minute of it.:D:^

That is why they are buying us up. Their U.S. treasury horde could be valueless - their stock market sucks - so they are goingafter CHEAP hard assets like Maytag.If you look world wide they are on a major buying binge. :shock:
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The Venezulean Boliviar is over 2,000: $ I wonder if we should trade currencys there.....Venezulea has got to go the other way as soon as they get rid of their elected dictator....

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The Technician wrote:
The Venezulean Boliviar is over 2,000: $ I wonder if we should trade currencys there.....Venezulea has got to go the other way as soon as they get rid of their elected dictator....

He is sleeping with China and Russia.

I actually respect the guy. He made a hard choice revaluing their currency.

It is working out and he is getting the financial house in order.

Refreshing. IMHO.
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I'm not to fond of his agricultural plan....he's taking private property (farm land) under force....he's a dictator....
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Wait to the new bankrucpy rules kick in here :(.

I have read a lot of stories in the Northeast about property being seized for economic development. Can not give specifics thou. Saw something on FOX News about three weeks ago along these lines also.


WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court agreed Tuesday to decide when governments may seize people's homes and businesses for economic development projects.

At issue is the scope of the Fifth Amendment, which allows governments to take private property through eminent domain, provided the owner is given "just compensation" and the land is for "public use." story)
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Court Blows Away Your Property "Rights"

Our Houston Bureau has been tracking this question of government power to seize your home for the "greater good." Here's the Houston Bureau's update:

The Supreme (j/k) Court just handed down a 5-4 decision that private property CAN BE taken for economic development! This is absolutely criminal and about as anti-Constitutional as it gets...
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I calculated the Venezulean currency inflation rate for the last 10 years.....2144 from 170 Bolivars:$.......its 197% per year.....

WOW.....what is Chavez doing?????? He's selling oil, taken property (looking to make a serfdom???)....acquiring the penny bank......?????

Wonder if they are going down the tubes.....anybody been there lately???

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DMA wrote:
I have read a lot of stories in the Northeast about property being seized for economic development. Can not give specifics thou. Saw something on FOX News about three weeks ago along these lines also.:?
WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court agreed Tuesday to decide when governments may seize people's homes and businesses for economic development projects.
At issue is the scope of the Fifth Amendment, which allows governments to take private property through eminent domain, provided the owner is given "just compensation" and the land is for "public use." (another story)
"DMA: had you perused this post I madeback in March when you were researching my postings Monday 6/13?? Worldnetdaily & Biznet have since had more articles -
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Hey guys I had a dream las night that the market
was down down & down the hill . Every time in my
dream I was looking the market was hittin new bottom ... :s
I forget to post it early but is not carambola game ,was
it's was true ... :DAny way the day is no finish yet and still
count for the next days to come ... :D

It's just a dream or is a revelation of the future?

I Dont know .. :shock::D
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Maybe you were out in the sun too long drinking Corona with Lime, yesterday. LOL:lIts hot out so maybe I'll just go home and lay around and drink some belly wash and see if I can't have a vision. Not a bad Idea actually, heck I may just take a few days off and call ita religious revalation of some type. Cowboy goes teepee creepin!! mmmm? My mind is going some where?
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Wait a minute I'll take a look at my crystal ball......all I see is red red red.....oh...dang it I spilt my wine!!!!
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ok no more tequila.Your can smile on my account ,I'll do too :D

...james crammer says is a bargain right now right here :)
let's see what my dreams tonight tell me for tomorrow :^