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Maybe, we can prolong the debt by going sideways.....but I highly doubt we will every pay off the debt....eventually, we will go 3rd world status and debt is South Africa....ever other US citizen will be at poverty level....little income, therefore no tax base, no healthcare, nothing.....where do you invest to keep from going that way.....China???? I fund to grow more???? Foreign currency......???? Dollar is worthless....
So then, who defends the world peace in the future.....nobody...we will be doing good to defend our homes........true 3rd world situation....
All this because of the pilfering of the taxes collected by the govt ......pork barrel projects, inflated profits on govt contract settlements.....guess without any controls over our financial assets, we get gored.......
You know if you want to prolong a profitwithout any growth, you change the data in the company this what we have here.....govt changed the data to prolong the great economy, while the US citizen gets it in the mean time????