Ideas For Active Members' Gift


Staff member
I usually send out something to the top posters each year, and I will probably do that at some point later this summer. Any ideas on what you'd like to see? We did T-shirts last year, and those planner books the year before. I have several of those original stainless coffee mugs (not the blue ones).

I also have about a dozen signed copies of RevShark's book that I would like to give away for some other creative reason. It's a good book for people like us who enjoy this trading / market timing game.

Perhaps I will just send them to the top 5 returns for the first 6-months of 2008, but I'd also like to come up with something a little more interesting.

Please post your ideas for this year's active poster gift, and any other creative giveaway you can come up with for those 12+ Rev books.
