I Fund


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Does anyone have more than a 30% allocation in the I fund? Seems this is the most underutilized of all the TSP funds.

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I usually keep 32-40% in the I fund and 25% in G fund. The remainingbalance I put into C & S.
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tsptalk wrote:
Hi Valeri -
Many of us here use the I fund. Right now I actually have 0% in the I fund. But I am not adverse to going 100% I fund it the situation presents itself.

A lot has been written on it... http://www.tsptalk.com/mb/forum14/
Not to overpromote the I fund, as you say Tom, there's a time and a place for it, but didn't you say recently that something like 1% of all of the TSP is invested in the I fund and it made 50% in the last 18 months?
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I was 50% these past couple days. I'm now @ 10%.

Welcome & God Bless:^
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Valeri wrote:
Does anyone have more than a 30% allocation in the I fund? Seems this is the most underutilized of all the TSP funds.

I fund is a scary place to be right now, too many uncertainties
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Timer wrote:
Not to overpromote the I fund, as you say Tom, there's a time and a place for it, but didn't you say recently that something like 1% of all of the TSP is invested in the I fund and it made 50% in the last 18 months?
I did say that. That doesn't mean it will outperform the S and C fund over the next week or so. I'm guessing it won't in the short term. I could be wrong.
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EAFE is up pretty strongly thus far, mostly on the strength of the euro, I'd imagine (europe is relatively flat, the far east was up modestly).
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If it holds, a 10-cent gain would be about right. Maybe more than that (hey I was pretty darn close on the nickel prediction yesterday :^).
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I have a 24% committment to the I fund but was a little concerned when so few others seem to be using it. I think it adds a super level of diversification for me.

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I'm new to this forum. Just made a post reply which didn't seem to take. Seems very slow. Anyway, I was just concerned that so few seem to carry an I fund allocation. For me it adds a necessary level of diversification.

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I generally have 30% of my portfolio international; it is an important part of a healthy breakfast. Since I thinkthe US markets will be strong over the next four weeks and the dollar may temporarily reverse, I just sold my 30% I fund in favour of 20% C and 10% more S (80S/20C). My portfoliooverall contains 15% international atm.
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I generally have 30% of my portfolio international; it is an important part of a healthy breakfast. Since I thinkthe US markets will be strong over the next four weeks and the dollar may temporarily reverse, I just sold my 30% I fund in favour of 20% C and 10% more S (80S/20C). My portfoliooverall contains 15% international atm.
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I generally have 30% of my portfolio international; it is an important part of a healthy breakfast. Since I thinkthe US markets will be strong over the next four weeks and the dollar may temporarily reverse, I just sold my 30% I fund in favour of 20% C and 10% more S (80S/20C). My portfoliooverall contains 15% international atm.
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I generally have 30% of my portfolio international; it is an important part of a healthy breakfast. Since I thinkthe US markets will be strong over the next four weeks and the dollar may temporarily reverse, I just sold my 30% I fund in favour of 20% C and 10% more S (80S/20C). My portfoliooverall contains 15% international atm.
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I generally have 30% of my portfolio international; it is an important part of a healthy breakfast. Since I thinkthe US markets will be strong over the next four weeks and the dollar may temporarily reverse, I just sold my 30% I fund in favour of 20% C and 10% more S (80S/20C). My portfoliooverall contains 15% international atm.
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I generally have 30% of my portfolio international; it is an important part of a healthy breakfast. Since I thinkthe US markets will be strong over the next four weeks and the dollar may temporarily reverse, I just sold my 30% I fund in favour of 20% C and 10% more S (80S/20C). My portfoliooverall contains 15% international atm.
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Since foreign equities areapproximately 50% of the global equity capitalization available to investors, a 24% allocation to the I Fund is more than reasonable. In addition,the I Funddoes provide diversification and, this year, a high rate of return. Finally, if you believe in reversion to the mean, the I Fund's strong returns in the 80's and poorreturns in the 90's should be followed by astrong returns in this decade.