I Fund


Well-known member
imported post

The I fund is up 10 cents per share these past couple days.

What do you think it will do Monday, 21 June?

Is there any general rule of thumb about the I Fund? A strongest month perhaps? I realize that it is at its strongest when the dollar is at its weakest. Therefore, common sense tells me that the S fund usually increases after a decrease in the I fund.

Is this correct?

This may be elementary to a lot of you, but I'm just a beginner andfirst trying to learn and read the market. Any other tips would be appreciated.

God Bless:^
imported post

Rod wrote:
This may be elementary to a lot of you, but I'm just a beginner andfirst trying to learn and read the market.
Never a problem. This site is especially for those new to investing. I have seen incredible leaps in knowledge from some of our originalnewbies. They are now helping others. So cool :u

Frizz B. is our fund differential expert. I'll let him handle your first question.
