I changed My allocations but am not seeing much Change


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I changed my allocation on Dec 30 to 10 c 15 s and 75 I. But I am not seeing my shares split the same way. I am new to this so if anyone could explain this to me it would help greatly.

Contributions to your account are being invested as follows:
G FUND 0% , F FUND 0% , C FUND 10% , S FUND 15% , I FUND 75%

I am showing

o.14% on G

97.69% on C

0.36% onS

1.81% on I this is not 10 15 and 75% like it should be right
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Welcome blame -

You likely did a contribution allocation change. When we talk about transfers, we are talking about interfund transfers. That's where your entire account will get rebalanced.
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I am also new to this. Maybe this is a silly question but when you talk about allocation, do you mean -- JUST move interfund?

What sould you do with Contribution Allocations?


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caroledoc wrote:
I am also new to this. Maybe this is a silly question but when you talk about allocation, do you mean -- JUST move interfund?

What sould you do with Contribution Allocations?


The term "allocation" is used loosely here...but generally refers to the pct of your total tsp pot that is in each of the different funds.

A second "allocation", and the one referred to previously, is the contribution allocation, which is the allocation for new monies entering your tsp funds.

(e.g Lets say that you placed 100% of your total tsp monies in the I fund but your contribution allocation is set for 100% G. As a result, in a few weeks, you might find that you have 96% I and 4% G in your total TSP account.)

People have different theories as to how a contribution allocation should be weighted, and it generally is based upon how "hands on" the tsp account holder intends to be. For those who are not hands on and who value safety, they will place it all in the G fund. Similarly, for those who are very hands on, they generally will place it in an identical ratio to the entire tsp account allocation.
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Iam2blame wrote:
I changed my allocation on Dec 30 to 10 c 15 s and 75 I. But I am not seeing my shares split the same way. I am new to this so if anyone could explain this to me it would help greatly.

Contributions to your account are being invested as follows:
G FUND 0% , F FUND 0% , C FUND 10% , S FUND 15% , I FUND 75%

I am showing

o.14% on G

97.69% on C

0.36% onS

1.81% on I this is not 10 15 and 75% like it should be right


Sorry I got to do it...this proves my point about people picking one fund and just gutting it out....60% of 401K folks just have one fund for decades and decades and never make a change....social security reform is going to be a disaster...

sorry to use another newbie as an example again...but by God they are proving the points I have been expressing for months....

Also these new people are actually me so I can prove by point but we will not go there...just kidding...I have a hard enough time keeping track of me.

God bless...welcome on board the TITANTIC.

imported post

No worries and the check will go out in Monday's mail :).

I wish you all the best.

Teknobucks, Tom and Spaf have a clear picture....

Oh the other ones are good too...

that is the problem with investing...to many variables, vortexs and people trying to sell you a product...not the best investment a commission product...sort of like social security reform the commission will be had by the financial institutions in repayment of their donations...NO the gov does not work that way...MT is crazy.

Stock tip...by Barclay's Stock...wonder why???? Ding ding....
