How often?


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I am new to the TSP "shifting funds" routine. I have read the information you all provide, and also looked at the recent information on the TSP site itself. I see the information given for long term investors (that's me), and then notice a lot of you seem to make daily/weekly changes. My questionsare these, how often do you shift, do you shift existing and new funds, and has all this shifting around historically paid off for you?

Right now I'm 100% S as of last Friday. I looking to set-up a routine and likely fit into the moderate risk investor category.
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puertorico wrote:
I'm looking,how many times "dates" the fed did rise rate this year.

somebody know those dates ? :??
June 30, Aug 10 and Sep 21
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tsptalk wrote:
puertorico wrote:
I'm looking,how many times "dates" the fed did rise rate this year.

somebody know those dates ? :??
June 30, Aug 10 and Sep 21
thanks Tom

THis is an observation Im doing here "not bet on this"

I see that after interese rise rate
the market were down for3 or more days

In June 30 the market was down in rise rate and continue dawn after.

In August10 the marker down 3 days after rise rate

In Sep 21 4 days down after rise rate.

That dont means the market will be down but can give u a warning
that rise rate can affect the way up for 3 or 4 days.

That is an observation Im doing here "not bet on this"

thats all :D

Now I'm looking the options dates for nov. & dec.2004
if is 3rd week tarting friday,must be...

nov.20 & dec.13 ?:D
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puertorico wrote:
Now I'm looking the options dates for nov. & dec.2004
if is 3rd week tarting friday,must be...

nov.20 & dec.13 ?:D
November 19th and December 17th.

Nice observation on the rate hikes. Did you notice any patterns on which funds(C, S or I) did better or worse during those 3 or 4 days?
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IF any difference at all can be the I-fund
look like sig sag may be the dollar vseuro vs dollar
but not a big deal at all.Anyway just way down...:)

NOTHINg at all but down.C,S,i & the three month,
were the same down trend & same distance. :D