How Many days of over 100, this 2012

So far, OKC has officially logged 4 days in a row of 100+ temps. (this week)

So has Texas. Why don't you keep that heat up north? I won't complain if you don't share :D Day 5 today. Time to put the drip lines out around the
foundation of my house.
Go figure. While many of you are baking the temp here has barely made it in to the 80s. First rain in months today. Not sure how much, my rain guage ain't workin, probably full of dirt again. Humidity is 65% though.

Happy 4th everyone.
I'm sure some would have you believe this has everything to do with Mass bird deaths, Fracking, along with it all being tied together with earthquakes,:rolleyes: but to get real.....
New Tree Ring Study Put the Chill on Global Warming

A new analysis of 2,000 years of tree ring data has quickly made climate change deniers' list of greatest hits to the theory of manmade global warming.
The tree rings "prove [the] climate was WARMER in Roman and Medieval times than it is now," the British newspaper the Daily Mail reported last week, "and [the] world has been cooling for 2,000 years."
That and other articles suggest the current global warming trend is a mere blip when viewed in the context of natural temperature oscillations etched into tree rings over the past two millennia. The Star-Ledger, a New Jersey newspaper, mused that the findings lock in "one piece of an extremely complex puzzle that has been oversimplified by the Al Gores of the world."

Does New Tree Ring Study Put the Chill on Global Warming? - Yahoo! News
We may get day 5 of over 100 this coming Friday..But last year at this time we had already had 25 days of over 100.

So I guess we are into a Global cool down now...just saying