How do I make the most of this site


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Can any one help me make the most of using this site? Whats the best way to track every thing? Pyriel ?? Any one else any ideas or input. Thanks!
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rdpillow wrote:
Can any one help me make the most of using this site? Whats the best way to track every thing? Pyriel ?? Any one else any ideas or input. Thanks!
yea rdpillow,

get with pyriel, have him track Ur account on the weekly tracker according to your account. When you get the tracker U can compare what folks are doing, and the results vs strategy that is posted in talk forums. From there U can start developing Ur own strategy.

We r such a diversified lot, U got to take the talk, sift it and come up with the recipe that fits ur taste.

Rgds Welcome! :) Spaf
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Thnks Spaf,

I couldnt figure out how to send a private post so I just emailed him. Thanks for all your help and inputs. I have been learning allot from your posts. :^

Oh btw I am from Moore.
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Hey Pillow, I believe Pyriel is on Guam, too. So just wander over and have a little of what you have there on your beautiful island.

"How do I make the most...?" Interesting choice of words. I was able to judge the utility of the siteabout six months afterjoining. After 20 years of contributing to the TSP I suddenly found myself wielding a hefty club and incurring needless risk. This sitehelped me toquantifymy risk tolerance and to find an allocation that suits me.

In the processImade a few friends.It's a good site,"Gracias a Tom!"
