How am I doing?


Well-known member
So i really want to track my TSP returns performance, but the TSP website and quarterly reports aren't much help. My PIP can't really be that bad can it? It ain't a lot of money but hey, -xx% of my paltry sum = hurts just as bad as -XX% of massive sums right?

At first i tried to split my allocation 1/2 in 2040 fund and use other 1/2 to re-allocate/time the market to see if my hunches proved correct. But then i just could'nt leave it alone, every time i re-allocated i would set the 2040 back to an even 50% and place the other 50% as i saw fit. So there goes my strategery to compare my guesses vs. the most aggressive auto fund over time by just looking current value. Plus new contributions didn't always match current allocations.

Eventually I ditched the lifecycle fund and developed my own % allocations to represent what i feel is the place to be given my take on current events/sentiment/chart analysis: Fear, Conservative, FDH, Aggressive, & All in. Also additional categories for special short-term moves: Market, Tech, International. Never 100% in any given fund, rarely in only two. Not trying to hit a home run, but wouldn't mind stealing an extra base here and there.

Any suggestions?