Home page poll

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Thanks Mark. I may have to make that a weekly poll since I willrun of interesting questions to ask pretty quick.We could alwaysgo away from TSP and retirement questions. (i.e. Who was your favorite Brady Bunch kid?) :P

If you have any questions you'd like to see asked,email them to me and I will keep a list.

Thanks again,
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Tom I did my vote ,nice stuff

About Frizz B account talk

I see what he means ,

Frizz see the share grown up ,while others see

the % of money.I think is the same.

yOUrs share grow up if where u move u money

go up.But if u move and go down u share and % go down

I think is common sense.
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Yes, I have to agree, the polls are a good idea. Speaking of today's, a glossary would be wonderful!!! I noticed most people are in the same boat as I am, thanks to your poll.:D
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Sounds like a good idea. I will try to put a glossary together in the near future.

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:i To save time, I decided tojust put a link to Yahoo's financial glossary page in my HELP menus. You can get to it from any page (except the message board).

In the meantime, I will be working on one of my own.
