

New member
I am looking for any input. I was unable to move my funds during this long down turn. However. I am know thinking of moving to the G fund. I will not be able to recover large loses but do not want to loose more. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Thanks Cookiehoo
I don’t know your history, but the idea is to buy low and sell high. If you have time to recover from your losses and are intent on moving all to G, I’d react to any short term market rally by moving a small percentage to G. This way, you still have some skin in the game should the market rally further and, if the market suffers further losses, you’ve slowed the rate of your loss.

It’s not a loss until you sell. If you’ve ridden it out this long and still have time to recover, you might just continue to hold your investments and wait for the markets to turn up again.

Scott Harrison
Senatobia, MS
Thanks. I came late and was hired in 2014 and am a nurse. My plan is to retire in 4 years. I would like to let it ride. However your idea to move small portions over to help alleviate further losses when another large crash comes as predicted is smart. I do not want to move much as like you said, when the markets move back up, I want to be able to benefit.

Thanks. I came late and was hired in 2014 and am a nurse. My plan is to retire in 4 years. I would like to let it ride. However your idea to move small portions over to help alleviate further losses when another large crash comes as predicted is smart. I do not want to move much as like you said, when the markets move back up, I want to be able to benefit.


Congratulations on your upcoming retirement. You pretty much answered your own question. The one thing you can do if you haven't already, is to max out the amount you put into your TSP every month. this will give you the maximum matching from the government. I will need help from the group on this one. I believe if you are over 55 the IRS allows you to deposit up to a certain dollar amount right into your TSP account with no penalties. Good luck and thank you for your service. My wife was a surgical nurse and loved it.