Help with accidental conrtibution... please


New member
Brand new to this site. I dont know if this is where this post belongs, but here goes.

I serve in the Army Reserves. I've been waiting on my first bonus installment for awhile now. It finally came but it just so happens that my TSP contributions area for Bonus and special pay was set to 100%. I personally dont remember setting it to that but i guess it is what it is. Anyways, ALL of my bonus went into my TSP. Well, I can't have that happen. I'm looking at reclassing and might have to pay that back. The LES check date says 10 FEb but I was told the money wont actually get there till March. Is there any way to not have the money go to TSP? Like, stop it from contributing? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

You need help beyond the scope of anything anyone here can provide, call your finance ASAP.