Have you any info on:


Snow-Cap Agency, Inc.
PO Box 95
Castle, Rock, CO 80104

Has anyone ever taken a retirement course from this contractor? They have just posted some on-line courses at a fairly reasonable fee and wanted to know if anyone had attended a live class.

2moryrs - NOT!
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Thanks Show-Me! I am working on my retirement application and starting to have a lot of questions that need educated answers.
2moryrs: I just noticed your question about Snow-Cap. I attended a pre-retirement seminar given by one of their "instructors" in late 2007, about 6 months before I retired. I thought it was very worthwhile, especially since it was free! It was one day, from 08:00 to 18:00, with 30 minutes for lunch. They encouraged the participants to bring their spouses (or significant other) to the class, which I did. The (excellent) instructor packed a LOT of info into a one-day class, especially since we had a mix of CSRS and FERS employees in the group of about 30 participants, and he had to cover both systems. He hit on every aspect of planning for, and applying for, retirement. The simple stuff he touched on lightly - the hard stuff he spent more time explaining. He answered questions - he asked questions - he got the "students" thinking about everything they need to do to prepare for retirement. He emphasized the importance of being pro-active and taking responsibility for your own retirement process. He stressed that YOU are the one most interested in your retirement, and that YOU should educate yourself in every way possible on the whole process. Going to one or more seminars prior to retiring is a great way to start that educational process. We got a very nice 170+ page workbook to keep after the class. It is full of up-to-date info and handy worksheets to aid in your retirement planning. As you can tell, I was very happy with the Snow-Cap program, and I recommend it. (And no, I didn't go to work for them after I retired, so I have nothing to gain by pimping for them) ;)

Thanks for the reply. I managed to retire sucessfully on January 3, 2009.

It is great! We are going camping next weekend and we don't have to wait for me to get off work to leave. We can leave whenever we want to!!!
