guygirl Account talk

It was just a funny wv-girl, don't get your waterfall in an uproar........:D
Milk--I know it was a funny. Guess you didn't catch my funny. Soup can contain sugar, spice, milk...Guess I have a weird sense of humor. Hope I didn't offend anyone. ;)

BTW Welcome guygirl to the board. Sorry for not saying that before.
Ok, lost a bit in the S fund going to put 40% in I fund today. Hope it is a good move. :blink:

Still keeping 60% in G.
Tired of jumping around. I am going to keep $50k in G and spread the other 25k in my account 10% to C, 9%to S and 15% to I. I am going to try this for a few weeks and see if I do better than trying to follow the pack.
You'll do better in this market environment if you keep the $25K in the G and spread the rest around. Just MHO. It takes money to make money.