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21APR05 Thursday Share Prices
G-$10.82 F-$10.47 C-$12.42 S-$13.96 I-$15.27
F-fund down 0.196%, C-fund up 1.97%, S-fund up 1.74%, I-fund up 0.527%
The EAFE Fund was listed as going up 1.81%; I am going to stop short-term trading of the Ifund because off this price uncertainty.
One week ago Thur 14th on the 3rd straight down day, the S&P 500closed at 1162. Here a week later we closed at 1159. This is no rally.
21APR05 Thursday Share Prices
G-$10.82 F-$10.47 C-$12.42 S-$13.96 I-$15.27
F-fund down 0.196%, C-fund up 1.97%, S-fund up 1.74%, I-fund up 0.527%
The EAFE Fund was listed as going up 1.81%; I am going to stop short-term trading of the Ifund because off this price uncertainty.
One week ago Thur 14th on the 3rd straight down day, the S&P 500closed at 1162. Here a week later we closed at 1159. This is no rally.