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Birch trees and aspens are lovely in the fall.
Dennis I think you have it backwards. The chart at (and reproduced at the Tekno-site) has the asterisks on the 5k catch-up, indicating this figure will be indexed. The 15k figure is set by the IRS, end of statement. My question is, what is the future of the 15k?
By great good fortune having nothing to do with me, I have lucked into some nice pay raises lately. ALL of it has gone into the TSP, over $600 per pay period, just out of my check, these days. Since my daughter is set to graduate from college soon -- Master's degree, just like her Dad, what a girl! -- I will have an additional 10K per year in my pocket after tuition expenses cease. I'll let that be my raise since it is already tax-paid as it were, and put all my COLA's and step-increases into the TSP too! So I want that 15k to get bigger, say 3-5% per year. See what I'm saying? (If she wants a PhD she is going to have to get a fellowship, heh. There are limits.)