"G" Fund Penny?


Moderator | TSP Legend
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I sure wish one of you really smart people could figure out exactly when the "G" Fund awards it's interest! I tried to figure out the sequence and couldn't get it right. Missed the penny yesterday, I thought it would happen Monday!!?? What's up with that?:%:'Six working days, 5 working days, 6, 5, 5, 4 6, 6, 6,4, ,5 WHAT!
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nnuut wrote:
I sure wish one of you really smart people could figure out exactly when the "G" Fund awards it's interest! I tried to figure out the sequence and couldn't get it right. Missed the penny yesterday, I thought it would happen Monday!!?? What's up with that?:%:'Six working days, 5 working days, 6, 5, 5, 4 6, 6, 6,4, ,5 WHAT!
I notice that if it was 6 days it will be 5 days next time... Most of the time...
No real sure pattern.... It really depends also on the rate of return for those days also..... If you notice that rates are going up it might be 5 days.... Of course if it was easy it would be no fun....

just my 2 cents worth...
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The TSP invests in Government Securitys that mature in 1 to 4 days. A long weekend takes 4 days, regular weekends take 3, I suppose? :%I guess it's just too hard for us "PEA BRAINS".


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The rate can be determined by looking at the loan rate (it only changes monthly). I don't know how to find the historical data for this. If we can find it, we should be able to figure this out. BUT, I don't expect we will get it exactly right every time.

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On the TSP site go to Share Prices. You can page back 30 days at a time or set in dates to examine. I tried it awhile back, thought I had a handle one it , but I was wrong!!!:*
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The penny is "typically" paid every 6th or 7th day. This past week it was paid on the 5th day, but this us unusual. If you jump in on the 5th day, you'll normally get the penny in a day or two. This is why I jumped into it on Friday. It paid out early this time. Gotta play the percentages though. ;)

Good luck,
