imported post
for Monday so far are
DOW -80
S&P 500 -9
That markettimer made a GREAT CALL in August 2004 that 2005 was going to be bad and 2006 was going to be worse. Just wanted to give his props since whoever followed his advice would of SAVED a ton of dough so far this year :^. He was getting bashed pretty bad on this board by all you ultra bulls.
for Monday so far are
DOW -80
S&P 500 -9
That markettimer made a GREAT CALL in August 2004 that 2005 was going to be bad and 2006 was going to be worse. Just wanted to give his props since whoever followed his advice would of SAVED a ton of dough so far this year :^. He was getting bashed pretty bad on this board by all you ultra bulls.