FURLOUGH - and Unemployment


Well-known member
Just an FYI, to those who are furloughed this morning.

In the past, my experience has been that filing for unemployment benefits isn't worth the hassle- at least not in the short term.

The last time (2013), somebody in my office filed for unemployement, and collected the $300 or so. However, a month later, when we got retroactive pay, he had to pay the unemployment back.

And then- the IRS audited him that year, because they couldn't understand how somebody would get unemployment and then pay it back.

So just beware- YES, you legally can collect it - subject to the rules in your state (waiting periods vary). BUT- you might just want to hold off in doing so, as that can create it's own set of issues in the future.

Good luck!
just fyi, in the past, my experience has been that collecting unemployment begins after a waiting period of one week or more. if you file immediately, you will collect unemployment beginning week 2 after being kicked to the curb. then you can pay the troll under the bridge for a chicken. or prevent your car from being repossessed or whatever your financial and family obligations may be. if you wait until week five, then you can buy a chicken from the troll under the bridge not until week six.

also, as far as regarding paying it back if reimbursed full salary for not working, if you don't pay it back then you can just ask state unemployment office to put you on a payment plan after they catch up to you with the red stamped letters after a few months, about $40 per month at a reasonable interest rate. so that enables you to buy more chickens from the troll under the bridge meanwhile.

many ways to skin a cat.

p.s. also you can file for unemployment online in your boxer shorts at home with an open coor's light. and then go buy a foam/mesh ball cap and some overalls. i'm gonna be an otr trucker! woot woot! "non-essential" this mofos.
What really ticks me off is since I am an "essential" employee I have to work without a paycheck while the "non-essential" folks get to have a free vacation and when it's over we ALL get back pay!
On top of that I have a TSP Loan which will be a problem if and when this thing last more than a month! I'm not a happy camper today.
That is a big issue with Government Shutdowns, especially in offices that have both military & civilian employees. Military and essential employees resent having to work while non-essential employees have to stay home, some are insulted because they are considered "non-essential".
I work for the USPS in retail. Northeast. Any snow which causes the state to declare a state of emergency does not apply to postal workers. We are considered essential personnel and are expected to drive to our offices regardless of weather conditions to sell that one stamp to whomever risks life and limb to pay that bill.
So the words "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night nor government shutdowns stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds" still holds.
What really ticks me off is since I am an "essential" employee I have to work without a paycheck while the "non-essential" folks get to have a free vacation and when it's over we ALL get back pay!
On top of that I have a TSP Loan which will be a problem if and when this thing last more than a month! I'm not a happy camper today.

I know you feel. When the FBP paid my salary I was in an "essential" position. I only went through one shutdown in that time. But, it was short lived. Gotta do what you gotta do.
When I moved up to another position that was funded by UNICOR (Federal Prison Industries) the rules changed. UNICOR positions are designated "non-appropriated" since we generated our own funding. And in as such, all UNICOR employees were required to report to work just like any other regular workday. Annual Leave was also cancelled during any shutdown. And that tended to not sit well with the appropriated employees who were either furloughed, or were essential and worked without pay. I always hated the tension those pay differences caused.
Looks like this shutdown is about to end.
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