From Squalebear's Wife - DONATING LEAVE


TSP Elite
Originally Posted by squalebear
Dear MB family,
THANK YOU!! for the beautiful thoughts and wishes. I was so overwelmed with emotion while reading all the postings for Squalebear. He is indeed so incredibly blessed with so many wonderful people like all of you in his life. I can't even explain to you in words how much it has meant to him, and how much it means to me too. You have all truly put a smile on his face and warmth to his healing heart.
My sincerest and heartfelt gratitude, Kelly.


Send to ...

In the interest of trying to provide the most possible privacy to Squale in this trying time for him, we have removed the personal identifying information from these posts. If you wish to help with Squale's healing process by donating leave to him, please PM one of the moderators. We'll PM you with Squale's leave donation information. This way we can keep a handle on how many people have been given this information.

Your Moderator Team


only takes a few seconds to do.

Print and Sign your name
SS #
Grade and Step
Hours of Regular Annual Leave you're donating
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Hey everyone,

It's way easier than it sounds !!

Simply copy - paste - print the info in the link

In the interest of trying to provide the most possible privacy to Squale in this trying time for him, we have removed the personal identifying information from these posts. If you wish to help with Squale's healing process by donating leave to him, please PM one of the moderators. We'll PM you with Squale's leave donation information. This way we can keep a handle on how many people have been given this information.

Your Moderator Team

Take it to Human Resources and they do everything!!

Tom (and Moderators) thank you and please forgive my oversight.
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Originally Posted by squalebear
Dear MB family,
THANK YOU!! for the beautiful thoughts and wishes. I was so overwelmed with emotion while reading all the postings for Squalebear. He is indeed so incredibly blessed with so many wonderful people like all of you in his life. I can't even explain to you in words how much it has meant to him, and how much it means to me too. You have all truly put a smile on his face and warmth to his healing heart.
My sincerest and heartfelt gratitude, Kelly

I think most of you know that Squale is very much 'my little brother' so hearing about his massive heart attack yesterday was huge - like it happened to one of my parents.

Then I get the above message from his wife the first thing this morning so I over reacted and I'm really sorry for that.

Kelly wanted me to send her feelings out to everyone and I did so with a sense of urgency.

You have all truly put a smile on his face and warmth to his healing heart.

Well that's what made me go overboard and honestly it was wrong for me to throw out all his personal information throughout the internet. He is so close to me and a huge number of other members are very close as well - so I somehow felt I was sharing that info with 'family' and only family.

The only ones that would even remotely need to know that info - are those donating Annual Leave.

Moderators - THANK YOU !!