Greetings to the Collective! I am 62 years old, and freshly retired from TSA - my last work day was May 31st. I am now in the "limbo" between my working life, and my retired life, and while I wait for my paperwork to slowly filter through the system, I have a couple questions for those who have gone before me. First one concerns payment of accrued annual leave. I had 40 days on the books when I quit. My final paycheck (PP-11) has now been posted, and did not include payment for the accrued leave. When might I expect to get the payment for the leave? Will I get any kind of paper or electronic notification of the payment, or will it just pop up in my direct deposit account without any warning? Second question concerns the TSP. I have decided to try the "monthly payments" system, where I will attempt to draw off the earnings and keep the principal more or less intact. I have read all the posts at this forum on the subject, and I think it will work for me. I am wondering about two things. First, when do they sell the shares to fund your monthly check? Does it happen the last working day of the month or what. Also, if you have your TSP money split up into several of the funds (part of it in "G", part of it in "C", etc.), how do they work selling the shares in that case. Would they sell some of the "G" shares, and some of the "C" shares? How do they decided how many shares to sell from each fund you hold? I am 100% in "G" fund at the moment, so this question is just something I'm curious about. I'm sure many more questions will pop up as I go along, and I will look to the members of this forum as a valuable source of info. Thanks in advance, Chuck Avery (TSATSO)