First of July IFT, Go Bonds or Stocks?


New member
Summertime typically is not all that great for stocks, but could this year be different? Are bonds a better choice this year, to move to after the 1st of July. Or wait to see what happens, and be ready to jump? I think I might go F, anyone disagree with that move?
Every Ma and Pa Kettle own bonds - not the place I want to stay especially in an over played arena. I'll take my chances on some capital appreciation with stocks - holding long in the C fund and I fund.
Everyone & their mother hates Bonds but what do I know? Well I do know the o'l G-Fund ain't paying lickity spit and the Key yields have been going down since mid-April with the key moving averages flipped to the down side meaning it's good for bonds.

It is what it is, stocks = greater risk with greater reward while bonds = little risk with little reward. :rolleyes:
