first IFT

Now that I've done the first IFT... is there anyway to put in the transactions I've done all year? That way I can see what the tracker comes up with compared to TSP gov. :cool:


I am not a moderator on this site, but I don't think Tom can effectively back-date transactions into the AutoTracker...

But, since it is the Christmas Season, all is not lost.

Here is the second gift TSPTalk gave me when I perused the site a number of years ago: The TSP Calculator

Even with the AutoTracker, I still use the calculator to back test allocations. It is a great tool. And, originally, it was used as the basis for an on-line AutoTracker lite. That helped me find some of the folks around here.

The first gift - and the gift I seached far and wide in Google for - was an easy means of importing TSP Fund prices into Quicken.



New member
Now that I've done the first IFT... is there anyway to put in the transactions I've done all year? That way I can see what the tracker comes up with compared to TSP gov. :cool:
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