Final 2012 Returns Posted


Staff member
The final December and 2012 returns have been posted.

TSP Talk AutoTracker

I will officially post the winners when I get more time on Wednesday.

For 2012, I'm giving prizes to the top 12 "Full Year" accounts. All of those members had returns of over 24% for the full year. Nice!
Yes, go to TSP Talk AutoTracker

In the middle of the page in the "TSP Talk AutoTracker" section, 3rd column is "Prior Tally Archives"

sweet, exactly what i was looking for, you da man.

turns out i went negative in 2011, that sucks. and 2009 appears in a different non-searchable format so i'll have to scroll and dig but it was my first and a partial year and i already know i got my butt kicked that time anyways. maybe i'm not so think an investor as i smart i am.

i'm just doing a little year end analysis and future goal setting. thanks dude.