Felinecrl Account Talk


Wow! I'm excited that after reading you all's advice, commentaries and forum conversations, I decided to hang in there with my current allocations (S, F and F2050) opposed to running for safety to G. On Friday, vigilantly watched the market until 10:30 am CST, to see if my funds would take a nose dive, but fortunately they hung in there with minimal gains. I was surprised to see that today I was considered the top performer for the month and I have only been a member since last Wednesday. Whew! That was a very close call. Tomorrow is a different story being election day, it is highly unpredictable what stocks will do on election day. I'm being prayerful that it remains calm with some gains. I'm tooting, "No More Losses!" :banana:
At this point, it's too late to react, so I will let er ride for a minute. The F fund is going kaput this morning, so hopefully it will pull up before the end of today's trading.
Well: I'm still hanging in there and doing pretty good with some of my funds in the S fund. The L 2050 isn't doing too bad either, but the F fund is one to watch as it is not performing as well as it has a month ago. I guess it's a good thing to continue to stand in an effort to purchase bonds at a lower rate. According to some of the information I have been reading, historically the F fund should recover soon. Good luck everyone
Maybe the time has come for the S fund to end its upward slope pattern. The slope looks a bit slippery right now, which makes me a little nervous. It may be time to pull out to take advantage of the few gains I've experienced within the last month.
Maybe a good time to get out fro a week or so and hopefully get back in for a Santa rally into a January effect for a couple of weeks if we are lucky. :smile:
Happy New Year Everyone! I have been away and out of it all since December 19th when I had to go in for surgery, and I was hoping you all would hold the for down. Well, congrats. The roof didn't cave in and we are still doing pretty good in most markets. I'm thinking kinda positive even though the floor seems to rumble down below every now and again with some of the changes we will undergo as federalies. :-) It's good to see everyone posting again as it is always a charm to see what you guys have to say each day. So far, I haven't made any major moves from the F, S and F20150 funds, and I'm still looking ok. I hope to see the markets perform positively for a little longer though.
I've got to admit I don't understand this "F fund" craziness. I've been thinking about an EFT from percentage of f fund to I, but I have read that I upward trends tend to be short-lived. Decisions, decisions.
I've never been able to make any money in the "F" Fund, I quit it for good unless we have a CRASH and it could still lose money for some strange reason.
Ok. I've had it with the F fund. Got to move to a more advantageous strategy. Here goes: S, L2050 & I.
My biggest reason for running to the F is always the fear of a 5% or more loss in the stocks when I think they are too high like now. Now watch, C and S will soar even higher, and I'll be stuck on a measly.62% gain in the F this whole time. :/