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Fed's Poole - US inflation outlook very favorable
Tue Apr 19, 2005 03:35 PM ET MEMPHIS, Tennessee, April 19 (Reuters) - U.S. inflation prospects are good, underpinned by tame labor costs and growing productivity, a top Federal Reserve policy-maker said on Tuesday.
"The outlook for inflation looks quite or very favorable and I think that view is shared by the marketplace," Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President William Poole told reporters after a speech here on entrepreneurship.
"Wages are not under any substantial pressure and productivity data suggests that we continue to do pretty well on this front," he said.
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Good news may not bring good markets! There for a while everyone was hollering oil this, oil that, now oil is going up, and so does the market. Maybe they are trying to lull us to sleep. We need several more days of good markets than maybe were heading up. This could still be a snort and blow!
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CSI wrote:
Fed's Poole - US inflation outlook very favorable...................
inflation prospects are good,............. "The outlook for inflation looks quite or very favorable......................
What the Hell does that mean (excuse my language)?

A little Plain Language Please!! "Inflation favorable means what >> we will or will not have inflation?
And pardon me CSI I know you are only quoting - not your fault.
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The whole dawng thing has me perplexed. One thing I do know for sure, we have a pending financial crisis if our govt does not get a handle on the deficit and the rising cost of medical care. You can spend over your budget for only so long, before the loan sharks eat you alive.
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WW. In my opinion, what that means is even though we have rising inflation in this country, primarily because of rising oil and medical cost, is that if you take away those 2 inflation is nothing. Sounds like a politician to me. What it could translate into to is that the Feds may not raise interest rates in an aggressive manner.
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CSI wrote:
WW. In my opinion, what that means is even though we have rising inflation in this country, primarily because of rising oil and medical cost, is that if you take away those 2 inflation is nothing. Sounds like a politician to me. What it could translate into to is that the Feds may not raise interest rates in an aggressive manner.
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carloc wrote:

This just out on TSP

Testimony of Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Chairman Andrew Saul and Executive Director Gary Amelio on H.R. 1578, a proposal to create a real estate stock index investment fund in the Thrift Savings Plan (April 19, 2005).
This is not a proposal to create a REIT as I read it. But actually a testomony not to do it. These boys are pushing the lifestyle funds that they are ground breaking. I have to agree with what they are saying here. A REIT may be just something we already have. I am thinking the way this sounds is they have to push everyone of these funds and get congresses okay. If we get the ok for lifestyle funds we may have more to play with plus they are stating they will hold down costs. I hope so the guys that first tried to get us online sucked us for a little $$$$.
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COWBOY, I agree.

I think I heard tom mention additional funds. It seems the cost of start up and administration is prohibitive.:(

It would be nice to have more options!:^