exercise machine


Well-known member
yep, i just bought me an exercise macheen. a nordictrack, brand new, online. i decided it was not worth driving 100 miles to the nearest "big" city and relieving some sweaty fat gal from craigslist of her broken never used dreams, that's just what gentleman do. now they had some really fancy macheens like all 3 in 1 runner stepper and skier stuff for about 3 times as much, but i just went for a regular one, with like a 20# thingy and some low impact treads and the elliptical stuff and all. so they put it on free easy credit payments (that's a hoot) and it is way cheaper than the new ar556 ruger i also bought for about $120 off retail since the demorulers changed to the future repubrulers thing happened earlier this month. life is a funny thing. git some.
they advertisement said it come with 26 pre-programmed routes, which should be plenty enough for me as long as one of them is "run like hell". because that is what i plan on keep on doing.
NordicTracks make a great clothes rack after a year or so. We sold ours, started hanging clothes in the closet again, and gained enough space to buy a new Peloton indoor cycle. My wife rides it 4-5 miles per day. I grab a beer and sit and watch the finely toned lady instructors on the screen for hours at a time. Either way, you can work up a sweat and maximize your heart rate.
that is a pretty good idea about using the macheen for a clothes hanger, but quite frankly in a year i plan on being so thin and toned that i won't need any clothes. well maybe just a couple pair of those tight black booty shorts to keep the willy from waggin.

i do see that it may squeeze future cashflow though, because i'll definitely need an assistant to oil me up on friday nights before i go out. i wonder how much those cost?
Those Magic Mike dancer guys are off during the day, and allegedly shine in the body oil field (double pun intended).
You might consider interviewing a couple of them for part time work. Just make sure they don't rub you the wrong way.
oh i am so excited for my elliptical macheen to get here, i keep going to the website and checking it out. this is not the one i got but i dare anybody to watch this video and not want to go out and order one. it is called a free strider or something. oh hell, just watching makes me want to get one! i could float through workouts and stuff, and you can program any route in it you want so i was thinking i would type in 'forrest gump' and see what it gives me, but i would probably have to take some breaks along the way. i need to get me one of those sports bra things, those are hot. and they even show bellybuttons in it. when i was a kid i don't think they were allowed to show bellybuttons on tv.

burro, we're going to expect some of those hot little before and after transformation selfies in the bathroom mirror. Feel free to forego the sports bra.
We look forward to seeing your progress.
Those things are real pricey and don't come with the Girl!!!:eek:

well i got the cheap model, but that's ok because i prefer cheap models, at least they're predictable. and i figure it's pretty much the same thing as getting the girl with it, you run and run and work hard and still just end up in the same spot without ever getting anywhere, so i'm used to that.