Well-known member
yep, i just bought me an exercise macheen. a nordictrack, brand new, online. i decided it was not worth driving 100 miles to the nearest "big" city and relieving some sweaty fat gal from craigslist of her broken never used dreams, that's just what gentleman do. now they had some really fancy macheens like all 3 in 1 runner stepper and skier stuff for about 3 times as much, but i just went for a regular one, with like a 20# thingy and some low impact treads and the elliptical stuff and all. so they put it on free easy credit payments (that's a hoot) and it is way cheaper than the new ar556 ruger i also bought for about $120 off retail since the demorulers changed to the future repubrulers thing happened earlier this month. life is a funny thing. git some.