Eurozone Economy Expand

This is good news for the few of us that are in the I, right?
The ECB and Germany is propping up the Euro right now; at least that's my opinion. Also, keep in mind that the I fund is a global fund. Yes, companies based on the Euro make up a major portion of the fund, but there is a significant portion coming from Asia.

I think the I fund looks pretty attractive right now. I say this because I am very bearish about the US economy. I think the dollar is going to fall dramatically over the next 24 months. By the decrease in the value of the dollar and flat to modest growth overseas, we could earn %6 per year over the next couple of years. And I think this will be far better than US equities.

The G fund will give us %2.5 over the next two years. Once the economy stalls, the F fund will cool to about %4. At that point, %6 - %8 looks great.

Well, in my head that's how it will play out. Your mileage may vary.

I thought that too, and still think so to some extent, but as you can see we are like siamese twins....

