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On greg' post I noticed he has the I & f funds tracked. Are these funds ETF's , if so why can't we trade them like ETF's? My opinion is that we as TSP members are taking it in the shorts not being able to trade by realtime. There has been alot of daily flux in the 4500 and s&p. Money lost!

Does anybody agree and is there anybody listening to us as Tax paying citizens>

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TSP is mainly a savings plan. Pretty much a set system. Some of us do have on-line broker accounts for trading, and trading ETFs. There is a lot of financial plays available. On this board you can hear and learn a lot!
Rgds :) Spaf
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Crasher wrote:
On greg' post I noticed he has the I & f funds tracked. Are these funds ETF's , if so why can't we trade them like ETF's? My opinion is that we as TSP members are taking it in the shorts not being able to trade by realtime. There has been alot of daily flux in the 4500 and s&p. Money lost!

Does anybody agree and is there anybody listening to us as Tax paying citizens>


TSP is a 401k, and a pretty good one at that with the G fund garuanteed, could use a couple of more options tho, but that might add to managment cost, tho still probably very minimal to negligible. Most company 401k's take 2-3 days to make tranfers within their funds, and alot charge a fee for each 'trade'. To trade the TSP realtime would probably require comissions at least topay fora seperate system to allow that, would be an interesting option tho.:i
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It would be nice to have the option. I know at this point I would pay a fee to do some intra-day trading to pickoff a few points here and there. Like last Friday I got out and if I could of gotten in at 3pm on Monday when the "S" fund was down to 539 that would of been a good gain. But NOOO I waited to see what tuesday would bring. Slightly up. Got in after 11CDT. I didnt get my account covered until thursday. MISSed out on the big gain on WED. I still picked up 10 cents on the turn around but it could of been 22 -24cents if I HAD the oppurtunity to trade realtime. I am thinking about cutting back and only putting in my 5% percent for matching and sending the rest to my ROTH so I can trade the Wilshire 4500.

It would just be nice to have the OPTION.

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They used to limit us to 12 trades a year (once a month). I can see why they wouldn't want us day trading, but it would be nice if they would aloow us 5 or 10 intraday trades a year.

My entire year was turned upside down in late October when I made a transfer early one morning (before the deadline) to get out of the market, only to see the market take a dive in the afternoon. So not only did I have to endure that loss, but of course the market rebounded the following day when I was out. I would never had gone through with that tradeif it could have been done at the close, or intraday.

Dear Santa -

All I want for Christmas is a handful of intraday transfers in 2006. :D