end of trading day


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not a bad end to such a see-saw day:dude:

AAPL may nudge naz a bit more tomm....up7 bucks in AH.:D

Most cycle traders feel this next pop up (when it occurs) will be powerful and quite dramatic. Bears are/were becoming too comfortable...time to squeeze their shorts.


ps: will sell my position down into any rally showing much strength....down leg following this next pop will hurt if not heavy in G or F...plan to be out of market by first of march no matter what.


imported post

Ihave a hunch that tomm. will see a red close. next couple of sessions may drop us 1-3% before we roar up.

just a hunch:oo
imported post

teknobucks wrote:
Ihave a hunch that tomm. will see a red close. next couple of sessions may drop us 1-3% before we roar up.

just a hunch:oo
That's possible. One thing I did want to see after the "V" reversal was a strong close, which we got as you mentioned. That means the "smart money" got on board.