Email Virus on Website???????


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I've gotten 20+ emails German Language Emails originating from email addresses of TSP Talk members within the past hour or so...Anyone else having similar problem????

What the heck is going on??? Tom, you need to talk to your website support people ASAP and let us know what's going on.


PS: Still coming...just got 2 more !
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Dogdaddy wrote:
I've gotten 20+ emails German Language Emails originating from email addresses of TSP Talk members within the past hour or so...Anyone else having similar problem????

What the heck is going on??? Tom, you need to talk to your website support people ASAP and let us know what's going on.


PS: Still coming...just got 2 more !
Still going on...get another one about every 5 minutes..last recognizable source email was teknobucks. Tom - will PM you my phone number if you want to try to track this down with your support folks.

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The problem with these, and it has happened to me before, is that it could be initiated from anywhere and anyonewho has my email address in their address book. It uses anyname @ so it looks like it is coming from me. I have not received them but Iam getting some emails (which I did not send) that appear to be returned because it had an infected file. I will alert my webhosting co. to see if they can do anything but I think it will be up to your ISP / virus scanning program. I use McAfee and it seems to control these.
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tsptalk wrote:
The problem with these, and it has happened to me before, is that it could be initiated from anywhere and anyonewho has my email address in their address book. It uses anyname @ so it looks like it is coming from me. I have not received them but Iam getting some emails (which I did not send) that appear to be returned because it had an infected file. I will alert my webhosting co. to see if they can do anything but I think it will be up to your ISP / virus scanning program. I use McAfee and it seems to control these.
My IP,Comcast, hasa good spam filter, and I use McAffee's Virus Scan and Firewall, plus I have a router on this side of my cable modem that acts as a h/w firewall, but I still get emails from otherwise legitimate email addresses...looks like someone has cracked into the email list on your forum, since a lot of the emails are coming from names I recognize.

I have been, and will continue to, report each of these messages I get as SPAM, but still think you have a problem on your end (your website).

Just got your email RE: Running virus scan on the board's data...thanks for your help

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I got up tonight and had 42 messages. :l

At first glance, I wondered, "how do all these Germans know my email address?" :D

I should've known something like this would happen - before I checked my email, I checked my voicemail and had some bizarre phone message where I just heard kids in the background. How they dialed my number I'll never know. :shock:
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Mike wrote:
I got up tonight and had 42 messages. :l
Ugh! I seemed to have been spared of this but my virus scanner has said it has blocked some worms recently inmy incoming emails.

I am confident that the Email Alert List has not been infected as I usea separate, very secure, email service. Like Mike said, it is likley a pesky worm that is reading our email address books and using the addresses to spread the disease.

Use your virus programs to scan your PC's and email. It seems to have protected me so far. I also scanned the entire message board for infections and fortunatelynothing suspicious showedup.

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I have been receiving infected emails too, but from other sources. My ISP has been stopping them. It would appear to be a large scale worm attack. Symantec is reporting the two below worms as the latest threat.

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Fischer für mehr Transparenz bei Hedgefonds

15. Mai 2005, 09:00

Der Präsident des Bundesverbandes Öffentlicher Banken Deutschlands (VÖB), Thomas Fischer, fordert eine stärkere Offenlegung der Geschäfte von Hedgefonds. "Die Transparenz ist miserabel ausgeprägt", sagt der WestLB-Chef.:D
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RE: The German emails - Comment by SPAF in Market Talk Forum:

"I have several e-mail accounts. The one for this site had 4 multi-mailing attempts by someone in Germany. Don't know what is going on!?!?"

I also have several email accounts and the only one that continues to be bombarded by German Language emails is the one I used to register with TSP Talk...I just deleted 303 screened emails, and that's about the 4th time I've had to do it.

Looks like Mike, Skypilot, Coolhand , Spaf, and perhaps others are getting hit, as well....anyone else out there having same problem???

The originating IP Address of all the stuff I've rec'd is and an IP Trace indicates its coming from a DSL user on Bell South thru Miami Fl:

I've attempted to report all this to Bell South, but haven't had much luck so far...anyone have any ideas about how to shut that sucker down?? Tom seems to think it'll just go away after a while, but I'd rather see it go away "sooner than later"

Any help will be appreciated.....anyone who has a DSL account with Bell South might be able to get some answers.

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I checked my McAfee Firewall log Sunday to see if they had stopped anything from Germany. A Weisbaden showed, but nothing else. However they did show over 2,000 atempts t from China to enter via `a not normally used' portthis month; tho some were reported as `a computer you have been communicating with,' which I don't know what that was! They nearly all traced back to Shanghai &/or Bejiengthrough ???_ ville, California. ...originating at Chinanet and someother China... I 'banned' those that said I had been communicating w/them. I see they are still trying to get in anywhichway! If I had been knowingly in communication w/them, why were they also trying to come in the backdoor??

I wonder if Pyriel's e-mail getting lost the otherday is related to the banning? P, will you pm me a note if you can't get thru for the re-send??

I switched from SBC DSL to cable last year.
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Wonder Woman wrote:

SkyPilot wrote:
Fischer für mehr Transparenz bei Hedgefonds
15. Mai 2005, 09:00

Der Präsident des Bundesverbandes Öffentlicher Banken Deutschlands (VÖB), Thomas Fischer, fordert eine stärkere Offenlegung der Geschäfte von Hedgefonds. "Die Transparenz ist miserabel ausgeprägt", sagt der WestLB-Chef.:D
I think it is SkyPilot!

I think so too - notice he had no response when asked to repeat - !!
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Hooray !!!!! ...My German emails have stopped as quickly as they started...Don't know if it's something I did or my ISP (Comcast). I did notice the last two I got were from a different IP address (, which traces back to the Chicago ofiice of some outfit in NY) Apparently this mail worm is fairly widespread.

The real culprit is no doubt:


He's screwing up everthing else...why not the Internet !
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Nein! :s I know nothing! All I get is emails wanting to enhance my masculenity and drop my mortgage rate...:shock: