Elcariso510 Account Talk


New member
Here goes nothing! Looking forward to others opinions and thoughts. I made my last IFT on 7/31 to 50% C/50% G to manage some of the risks I was seeing. Now I'm taking some of your suggestions and thinking of a basic model I could use to take the emotions out of my trading and I'm open to ideas! This morning I made another IFT to 50% C/ 50% S because both were above their 50 day emas . If the C fund closes positive today it will be 4 closes above that 50 day but looks like it will open a gap between 1955-1958. What other indicators should I consider to help me build a market model?? I am open for higher risk but looking to actively manage it.
Basing your decisions on charts, +1.

Making a move when the daily is over +1%, expensive buy, but then again, you're looking at the charts.

Waiting for destiny or creating it is your road!
I had my finger on the trigger Friday then news broke on Ukraine heating up so I held off on the IFT. As a start here for my most basic of systems I have buy/sell equities based on where we're trading in relation to the 50 day. I'd like to make trades based off where the market is currently rather than where I predict it will go. In other words I'd like to see where support/resistance may be but not trade until the market guides my decision and confirms the support/resistance. That 3-5 day head fake rule makes it more difficult! I know this may not be enough so any other indicators that the forum suggests would be appreciated.
S and P futures down sharply this morning. Something like 18 points. I reduced some risk Friday and pulled 50% from equity funds. Let's hope I made a good decision! When the markets show me improvement I'm hoping to use my last IFT for the inverted H and S/santa Claus rally if it comes