Download to Microsoft Money or Quicken


New member
This is my first time on this website. This is a really nice tool & community to be a part of for federal employees. I really want to track my TSP in Microsoft Money-- but I hate entering the data by hand. Is there any way we can download data from the TSP website-- in the same way we can download data on other mutual funds? If not, any other ideas?


I've searched all over the web and even called Intuit (Quicken's maker) and I have been unable to find a way to port the tsp stuff into Quicken (and I'm told the same is true of Money). So for now, I've been using a heavily modified version of the tracker from this site in excel. Somewhat laborious, but until the govt/software makers make it easy it's all I can think of... If you or anyone else should happen upon an easier way, it would be very well-received here...
I have been using Quicken for all my financials. What investment type in Quicken is best used for something like the TSP? IRA or 401k account?