Dividends and Reinvestments


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Does the TSP provide dividends?

What is the benefit ofchanging TSP allocations if the TSP does not provide dividends?

Most mutual funds periodically reinvest dividends (such as the dividends typically issuedin December). Does the TSP offer a comparable method of investing? Each month my TSP allocation buys additional "shares" based on the amount of money Iinvest. While I have seen an appreciation, or depreciation in the value of my TSP accounts,I have yet to see a reinvestment of dividends.
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Yes, they do. From the Guide to TSP Investments (PDF) -

"Barclays also credits dividend income to the three stock funds in which the TSP invests. The dividend income is reinvested in the Equity Index Fund, Extended Market Index Fund, and EAFE Index Fund, respectively, and included in their share prices."

I assume you diversify and don't change your allocation?

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Two questions :

1-Where we get the quarterly participant statement

-I like to see the grown up and compare to the previous month.

-and see the compound.

2-If I do a transfer today before 11:00 central time

-and I changes mind.Can I transfer again before 11:00 central.

-or I have to wait the next day to make it effective.
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1-Where we get the quarterly participant statement
-I like to see the grown up and compare to the previous month.
-and see the compound.

It should be in the same menu as your interfund transfer requests. It's called "Participant Statements".

2-If I do a transfer today before 11:00 central time
-and I changes mind.Can I transfer again before 11:00 central.
-or I have to wait the next day to make it effective.

You can make changes until the deadline and only the last one will be effective.