Dinicti's Account Talk


I am going to 100% S today. I went into G on Oct. 9th and I should have jumped back to S on the 14th, but I got greedy and lacked discipline. My goal is to largely stay in S and be happy with catching any additional shares. Also, I plan to notify my move before the noon EST deadline, but I work. This is the reason why I am not on the AutoTracker as the priority is to make the trade and not to duplicate that on the Tracker.
Re: Dinicti

Does anyone know the time deadline (still noon) for IFT on a 1/2 day such as tomorrow? Also Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Re: Dinicti

I apologize as I will not be too informative--I made my move(s) post-informing this board. I am done for my IFT for the yr. I went from all S to all G on Dec. 1st and then went to all S COB yest. So, I will happily be in S until next yr., hoping for a Santa Rally. I did achieve my goal of being > by at least 1% than S (and obtaining 1% or greater in additional S shares).

Good luck to everyone and thanks for being such a supportive and generous (in sharing ideas/thoughts) community.
Re: Dinicti

The I fund is now neg. for the year and was neg. in 2014. On Dec. 31, 2013 it was 25.56. As I am out of IFT I am thinking maybe early next yr. going all into I. Also, I has essentially been even or behind S for 8 yrs. (I am including this yr.). 2004-07 I performed better than S. It maybe due.
Re: Dinicti

Your Personal Investment Performance (PIP) for the past 12 months ending 12/31/2015 is 7.85%.
(Your PIP is posted by the 3rd business day of each month.)

My TIAA-CREF was negative by ~3%. I get emerging market and real estate exposure--and Mid-Caps. All got hit this yr., but especially EM. I know that people complain about the # of IFTs and noon ET time deadline, but trading in TSP is still much easier. I have transferred/
roll-over what I could to TSP. My work contribution goes into TIAA-CREF, which is growing while TSP is left in the breeze of market winds.

I still plan to deviate from my goal of largely being in S to largely being in I this yr.
Re: Dinicti

I did not post earlier, but I went on Jan. 4th to G and then on Jan. 6th went back in, but at 80% S and 20% I. Obviously, I should have waited. When I went to G the market with the big fall in china's stock market, went down, but recovered somewhat late in the day. Then on Tues it was quiet followed-by the potential H-bomb in N. Korea. I thought well at least the market is down and who knows what will happen next. In hindsight, patience would have been good. Then again, I have met my goal for the yr. (in theory) to obtain 1% greater than S (along with 1% additional shares)--with the caveat that I am 20% in I. It may unfortunate go down further south.

My TIAA-CREF account is terrible. It is hard to trade. I wish I could move it to TSP.
Re: Dinicti

My TIAA-CREF account is terrible. It is hard to trade. I wish I could move it to TSP.
Why can't you? Are you no longer working for the government? Is TIAA-CREF your current 401K? I would think you could do an institution to institution transfer but that would require closing out your TIAA-CREF account.
Re: Dinicti

Thanks, and I am no longer working for the gov., and this topic is likely of little interest to the board.

I have tried, but my work requires either TIAA-CREF or Fidelity account with a mandatory salary contribution (5%) and a nice company salary match (10%). I also have voluntary 403(b) and 457(b) accounts, which also cannot be closed and transferred until I leave. I like some parts of TIAA-CREF and optimally I would like my TSP higher with TIAA-CREF having a balance of 50% of TSP. With the salary contributions it is starting to get inverted.
Re: Dinicti

Ah, that's my wife's case as well. She no longer works for the gov. but still has her TSP. She prefers it but can no longer directly contribute to it.

10% company match is nice! I haven't seen that since I left Lovelace ITRI in Albuquerque 30 years ago. That's were I picked up my TIAA-CREF account. :)
Re: Dinicti

... since I left Lovelace ITRI in Albuquerque 30 years ago....

Ah ha! That place cost DOE a massive headache a few years ago as it was being transitioned to a private facility. There was a small container with some rather nasty radioactive garbage that took 4 or 5 years and probably well over a million dollars to finally dispose of....Maybe you're the culprit that created it LOL....another tidbit that may interest you...due to New Mexico's refusal to comply with DHS's driver's license rules, very soon ITRI employees may have to start showing passports at the base gate in order to get to their jobs.
Re: Dinicti

What a pain in the A$$ TS. Hard to believe that this fed\state feud is causing the average guy so much hassle. Craziness...especially when it's employees who have worked for the company a long time and a re known staff.

Back from Kona. What a great trip. Highlights were the food (Jackie Reyes Ohana Grill), desserts (Lilikoi cheese cake and Double chocolate macadamia nut pie), and swimming with the giant manta rays. Glad to be back though...vacations wear me out.:D:D

Hopefully we can bounce above 1956 tomorrow...will watch the early action and decide whether to use my last IFT to reallocate and hang in there.


Re: Dinicti

I have been lurking, reading, and participating in TSP-Talk for a while and benefiting. It seems, however, I have philosophical differences in my approach to investing compared to many here. What keeps me up at night is not if the market is going down--it will--but if I miss when the market goes up. When the market goes down it has always gone back up (it can take a while), but if you miss the market's rise it may never retrace. Of course my retirement time-frame is >15 yrs. away, which obviously affects the level of aggressiveness. It will be interesting how my tolerance changes as I get closer to retirement. I am not criticizing just noting this difference.
Actually FWM (FireWeatherMet) has been following a strategy close to that since last year. His idea is to be invested most of the time. He will step aside after a recent run up to avoid any potential retracement. He will also step out of the market for a bit when it is going down and get back in while it is potentially still going down. That's already paid off for him this month as he is not as negative as he would have been otherwise.

The idea is not to focus on performance but on beating the market. You will notice that is something few of us on the AutoTracker can do. You may not have a great year with this strategy but at least you are beating the market, which FWM did last year.

The down side to a strategy like this would be a year like 2013 where it took off like a rocket and never came down to let people buy in. There were people waiting all year for a dip that never came and they missed the fun. Unfortunately, years like that don't come along too often.
Going to G today. I am not sure it is wise of me, but wow there is a lot of neg. stuff. What gets me nervous is moving to G when C/S/I have low valuations. Going on gut instincts.
Going to G today. I am not sure it is wise of me, but wow there is a lot of neg. stuff. What gets me nervous is moving to G when C/S/I have low valuations. Going on gut instincts.

G is not a bad place to be, funny though, my gut was saying to stay in. Discretion is the better part of valor, I guess.
Well, couple of things, 1) yest. reminded me why I have never done well in Vegas (or any legal betting house), and 2) futures are down and my basic instincts is to be mostly in the market and avoid a few down days within a year. I would normally have gone back in last Friday, but I stuck around based on a few factors including what I have learned here from many members at TSP Talk. I will con't to hold off for a little bit, but valuations on S is really sad. Just on Dec. 1st it was greater than 36.9, it may soon break 30.