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W. MARKFELT - second top FBI OFFICIAL at the time. Woodward and Bernstein won't confirm since Felt is not dead. Felt is 91 yrs old now. Statement comes through family members in Vanity Fair Article.
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Woodward and Bernstein were interviewed by Diane Sawyer this morning and they did confirm the story. They said they are going to write a tell-all book about their relationship and explain their confidentiality.
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Wonder Woman,

Richard Nixon in my opinion was a great guy. Who cares about those two clones- Woodward and Bernstein. Their book will end up sitting in a wharehouse just like the Fonda book. At least Nixon redeemed himself over the years as a statesman.

One of his greatest achievements was to bomb hell out of the Ho Chi Minh trail. He saved a great many American lives doing that - he certainly has my appreciation. This renegade will always support Richard Nixon. Can't say the same for yellow back Jimmy Carter - though he does build a good habitat house. Thanx

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Birchtree wrote:
Wonder Woman,

Richard Nixon in my opinion was a great guy. Who cares about those two clones- Woodward and Bernstein. Their book will end up sitting in a wharehouse just like the Fonda book. At least Nixon redeemed himself over the years as a statesman.

One of his greatest achievements was to bomb hell out of the Ho Chi Minh trail. He saved a great many American lives doing that - he certainly has my appreciation. This renegade will always support Richard Nixon. Can't say the same for yellow back Jimmy Carter - though he does build a good habitat house. Thanx

Kinda sad when we have Presidents to be remembered for bombing someone. We have to remember how long it took us to get to that point. I have to admit Carter was kind of squirrelly! But yellow is a harsh color. Didn't Jimmy introduce his brother Billy and Billy Beer was born! Most presidents are like the busiest politicians in washington: They spend half they're time passing laws, and the other half helping their friends get around them. Of course if your Clinton, you just put them under the desk! Mmmmm? Maybe not a bad idea! LOL!!! Sorry ladies I couldn't resist. :DMust be bent up fustration from not being on the board. LOL!!!!!!!:D
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Alright you have that calming affect - but Nixon was bombing the NVA regulars coming down from North Vietnam and using Cambodia as a sanctuary. And thank goodness for all the SOGs that were operating on a clandestine basis. I guess I'm still on 5/30/05 time with too many memories. Enough said....

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Has anyone ever seen Mark Felt and Barney Fife in the same room at the same time? Maybe Barney's character was based on Felt.
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He looks like one of those WW2 Nazis they find in South America.

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Felt was selected by J. Edger Hoover to be his No. 2. Liberals hated Hoover, but why have they had not implied Felt and Edger must had something going on ????

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by William F. Buckley Jr.
June 03, 2005, 1:16 p.m.
Foul Felt
Now he wants some money for it.

Mark Felt has made it clear that he wants to cash in on this whole Watergate business, and why indeed not? It was thought for some thirty years that Deep Throat did as he did to preserve the honor of his country. Perhaps that was the precipitating motive of Mark Felt. But to agree on that point requires that you agree that getting Richard Nixon out of the White House was the supreme national concern, in which event it would have been okay to shoot him. What Mark Felt loosed was a series of explosive newspaper stories which bound public opinion and overwhelmed policy-making and policy-makers. It is indisputable that Watergate doomed South Vietnam, and accounted for the Republican defeats of 1974 and 1976. It can certainly be argued that Mr. Nixon dug his own grave by making the mistakes he made.

Presidents do that all the time. They make fateful mistakes. But the judicial arbiters of history tend to come up with appropriate punishments. Monica Lewinsky came close to tossing President Bill Clinton out of office. Yet it does not follow that because the president dallied with Ms. Lewinsky he should have been impeached and tossed out. Nixon's overreaction to the publication of the Pentagon Papers didn't mean that his mandate to govern was for that reason forfeited.

No, what ejected Nixon was the accumulation of crossed stories. It is well documented that beginning about November 1973 life at the White House centered on Watergate. The series of lies and evasions and misrepresentations finally caught Nixon up in a direct lie taped by his own machinery. On June 28, 1974, Gerald Ford was on Firing Line and I asked him directly whether President Nixon would successfully persevere. He answered that there was no doubt about the survival of Richard Nixon as President. Six weeks later, Ford was sworn in as president.

Now Mr. Felt steps forward and says that it was he who in effect staged the end of the Nixon Administration. What he did, over a period of months, was to report to two industrious journalists at the Washington Post, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, everything that came to his attention through the fish-eye lens. Mr. Felt wanted to know everything about the traffic of dollars to and from the Committee to Reelect the President, and everything about the background and the activities of everyone associated with the White House, from the Attorney General down to the plumbers.

As evidence accumulated of wrongdoing and crime, he reported not to the director of the FBI (his immediate superior), not to the Justice Department, but to the two journalists. Bob Woodward is thoughtful enough to have recorded, the day after the news about Fell broke, his first meeting with Deep Throat back in 1970, two years before the Watergate break-in. There they both were, waiting, in the West Wing of the White House, Woodward to deliver a message from the Chief of Naval Operations, the Assistant Director of the FBI on a mission of his own. "I could tell he was watching the situation very carefully. There was nothing overbearing in his attentiveness, but his eyes were darting about in a kind of gentlemanly surveillance. After several minutes I introduced myself. 'Lieutenant Bob Woodward,' I said, carefully appending a deferential 'sir.'

"'Mark Felt,' he said.”

Mark Antony, meeting Brutus, deserved no greater headline in history.

Such things happen. On January 5, 1973, Howard Hunt, an old friend and my sometime boss in the CIA, came to see me, accompanied by one of his daughters (my goddaughter, as it happened). He told me the appalling, inside story of Watergate, including the riveting news that one of the plumbers was ready and disposed to kill Jack Anderson, the journalist-commentator, if word came down to proceed to that lurid extreme.

I took what I thought appropriate measures. I do not believe Jack Anderson's life was actually imperiled, but meanwhile, in an adjacent theater, Mark Felt, posing as an incorruptible agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, was advancing his own drama. And now he wants some money for it.
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Birchtree wrote:

Alright you have that calming affect - but Nixon was bombing the NVA regulars coming down from North Vietnam and using Cambodia as a sanctuary. And thank goodness for all the SOGs that were operating on a clandestine basis. I guess I'm still on 5/30/05 time with too many memories. Enough said....

In fading memories when the government denied that we were in Cambodia and Laos, that hurt big time!

I was about half asleep when I got a air-mail from C&C (Hillsbrough) that a Arc-light strike was scheduled. I looked at my map and saw that I was in the middle of the drop(bomb) zone. Looking up I could see the trail of the 52s approaching. Boy did I skeddale!Damn near inhaled the entire seat cushion!!!

:shock: Spaf
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[font=Verdana,Sans-serif]Ex-Boss: Revenge Motivated 'Deep Throat'[/font]
Jun 26, 9:25 AM (ET)


[font=Verdana,Sans-serif]WASHINGTON (AP) - L. Patrick Gray, the FBI chief during the Watergate break-in, says he believes deputy W. Mark Felt became the anonymous source known as Deep Throat because he was angry at being passed over as J. Edgar Hoover's successor and wanted to sabotage Gray.[/font]

[font=Verdana,Sans-serif]"I think there was a sense of revenge in his heart, and a sense of dumping my candidacy, if you will," Gray told ABC's "This Week" during an interview for its Sunday broadcast.[/font]

[font=Verdana,Sans-serif]Gray, who was selected to lead the FBI the day after Hoover's death on May 2, 1972, also says he refused White House demands to fire Felt or order a lie-detector test over leaks about the Watergate investigation.[/font]

[font=Verdana,Sans-serif]On June 17 of that year, five men were arrested in the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate Hotel in Washington. Nixon resigned the presidency on Aug. 9, 1974.[/font]

[font=Verdana,Sans-serif]Disagreeing with other Watergate-era figures who have called Felt a traitor to the Nixon administration, Gray said, "I think he was treacherous only to me, a man who trusted him."[/font]

[font=Verdana,Sans-serif]Gray, 88, served less than a year as acting FBI director, resigning amid allegations he had destroyed documents in the Watergate scandal. Gray was Nixon's choice to be deputy attorney general when Hoover died.[/font]

[font=Verdana,Sans-serif]After denying it to friends and family for decades, the 91-year-old Felt just revealed in a Vanity Fair article that he had been the shadowy government figure who gave information and direction to Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward as he and Carl Bernstein covered Watergate. Their work is credited with helping topple the Nixon administration.[/font]

[font=Verdana,Sans-serif]According to a transcript of the ABC interview that the network provided, Gray was asked why Felt would have believed he could not have gone to Gray instead of the press with his concern that the Nixon White House was trying to thwart the FBI's investigation.[/font]

[font=Verdana,Sans-serif]"I was not a political toady for Mr. Nixon of any other politician," Gray said. "I never felt that I was doing the White House's bidding. And I resisted them on any number of occasions, particularly in Felt's case."[/font]

[font=Verdana,Sans-serif]Woodward and Bernstein's 1974 book "All the President's Men" says that Deep Throat suggested Gray had blackmailed Nixon into nominating him as permanent director out of fear of what might be revealed if Gray were no longer at the agency to "keep the lid on" the Watergate investigation.[/font]

[font=Verdana,Sans-serif]In the ABC interview, Gray denied he had blocked any investigations of Watergate. He said he had merely delayed one probe when the White House claimed the CIA was already investigating - and then continued when the CIA reported it actually was not pursuing that lead.[/font]

[font=Verdana,Sans-serif]A White House discussion on how to use the CIA to stem the FBI's investigation - caught on Nixon's own tapes - is often referred to as "the smoking gun" that proved the president's involvement in the Watergate cover-up.[/font]

[font=Verdana,Sans-serif]"We continued on, and we penetrated it," Gray said. "I didn't need Mark Felt to tell me that I had to press on. I knew what was at stake here."[/font]

[font=Verdana,Sans-serif]Gray said that the White House asked several times that Felt be fired and that Nixon himself demanded that Felt undergo a lie-detector test. "I felt that was degrading to the second-highest official of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and I would not stoop to that," Gray told ABC.[/font]

[font=Verdana,Sans-serif]Besides, Felt had assured him on several occasions that he was not secretly passing along information to the press, Gray said.[/font]

[font=Verdana,Sans-serif]Gray said he trusted Felt completely, even to the point of putting Felt in charge of investigating FBI leaks. But they continued.[/font]

[font=Verdana,Sans-serif]"I couldn't stop it because my No. 2 man was the guy that was doing it," he said. [/font]
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Thanks for keeping up with this issue - some of us have vivid memories of those times gone past. Didn't the star of the movie "Deep Throat" get arrested for indescent exposure at the time. He eventually was exonerated. But if memory serves me correctly, weren't those two clowns Woodward and Bernstein performing the same type of exercise in their relationship with Mark Felt. At least he wasn't into the deceit of cross-dressing. The two reporters were providing oral service to the liberal press at the time. I wonder if they were taking any Chinese money long before Clinton did. Hey, just the same it was a popular movie, along with "Captain America" of easy rider fame.
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Birchtree wrote:
I wonder if they were taking any Chinese money long before Clinton did.

Yeah, about 90% of the stuff sold at Wal-Mart is made by the Chi-Coms. How did that happen? Wasn't Hillary on the Wal-Mart Board of Directors?
