Why is Congress messing around with the health care bill now, when the entire budget is running on totally inefficient autopilot that is due to crash in March?
WHY? Seriously ??
Because Congress has been - and all the more continues to be - way more focused on Battles and Conflicts the 'Parties' can lodge against each other --- than dealing with anything 'practical'.
As long as 'one' can make it look like the other's fault -- that is all that matters to them (across the board).
Congress has 3 months before both the debt ceiling and Continuing Irresolution end.
They will come up with some BS and keep us on the edge of our seats until the last minute. It's a dumb game Silverbird -- but somehow they look more like 'heros' of the American People at crunch point.
Review of the FY 2011 budget
should take place as soon as possible to negotiate in any cuts or changes. Or if Congress wants to really say Agencies only get their 2008 budgets, someone put that in a budget bill and introduce it.
You're right !! - sorry but I gave up with the last administration and this one is even worse.
Other cuts have been proposed by the three bi-partison groups - how about introducing some bills soonest with some of those? I doubt all the recommended cuts in one bill will go anywhere but someone has to get started.
'IF' there were people like you in place - then I might believe.
If there is gridlock
Gridlock more defines 'Congress' than anything else. It is most certainly the core of all they do.
or even worse no budget bills are reviewed before the debt ceiling comes into play, Congress only has itself to blame.
That too broad - sugar plum -- one party will blame the other -- and one party will claim they did everything possible....
If the debt ceiling is hit, and we can't pay for anything - including Afganistan and Iraq and Social Security, maybe Congress will finally understand why the Federal Government actually costs money.
I see what you're saying .... I really do. How do 'we' pay for anything now and all the more where did we come up with the $10 Trillion (plus) spent trying to correct the WMD that hit the global economy.
Especially since they won't get paid either and the lights and internet may even get shut off. And since Continuing Irresolution will be over about that time too, the Executive branch will be out of service until a new Continuing Irresolution is passed (by candlelight I guess).