DC is closed.


Well-known member
OPM just closed all Federal offices in DC.

And it hasn't even started to snow yet.

Sigh- I am traveling there today for a meeting tomorrow. What luck.
OPM just closed all Federal offices in DC.

And it hasn't even started to snow yet.

Sigh- I am traveling there today for a meeting tomorrow. What luck.


Hope you have a nice hotel room. You might be spending an extra day or two in your room. Good luck.
Anyone else old enough to remember that the policy was to NOT close unless the world was ending? The policy was to open in the morning, offer liberal leave (until the media made that a dirty word in this context and a valued word in another context) and close only when necessary, usually in the afternoon as the storm developed, with early dismissal. Then OPM learned that policy, which let individuals make their own choices on safety, using their annual leave, (which any supervisor can advance if necessary) was not right because the crush caused problems on Metro and the roads. Problems can be avoided by just closing when it appears it will be bad. Besides, unlike the private sector there's no real cost to closing. More cost to open. Besides, besides, all anyone did was talk about the prospects of or depth of the snow. Kinder, gentler employer.
VTC - Video TeleConference

We have the technology.....why aren't we using this more?

Be Safe, Hope you actually get there.
You wouldn't believe it- but I made it to DC before noon (six hours of travel) only to be told to turn around and go home. Caught the next flight out of DC , to Atlanta, back to home. Twelve hours of travel today by air. Crap. Meeting cancelled.
DC is Closed, WOOHOO...

oh, wait... shoot...

Only federal offices, not the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT... dang it, got my hopes all up...

I'll leave it at that to keep this from going *
DC Federal Offices, Again, Monday March 17, 2014. Starting see the benefit. But 60 degrees F by Thursday.