Daze823's Account Talk


Hi all!!! I've been lurking around the site for about a year, and decided that I am going to start my own thread. I warn you now, I have none, to negative, technical market knowledge, so you won't find any technical anaylsis here. I will probably use this more for jotting down notes from things that I'm seeing in the market, and from articles that I read. Using it to go back and review for lessons learned in the future.

I would like to take a second to say Thank You to all of you who take the time to not only analyze the current market, but also the time to post it here for the rest of us, and even give some commentary on how you came up with your analysis. I have really appreciated reading through everything, and getting my feet wet with controlling my account, rather than my past buy and hold. I ended the year (partial year starting in April) on TSP Auto Tracker with a gain of 8.37%, even cracked the top 100 for the year, but could not have done it without the information shared on this site.

About me: I'm 9 years and 4 months into my Federal Career, and manage my TSP account, and my wife's TSP account (lucky enough to work together, unlucky enough to have her office right next to mine). I have had some luck in our TSP accounts; First lucky break was that I started working for the feds in Sep. 2002, and knew enough to put in as much as I could into TSP and keep it all in stocks (I correctly guessed that the market could not go much lower), and saw nice percentage gains, but not enough money in the market to take full advantage of it. Second lucky break came in 2009, after my wife and I got married and I started handling her TSP account, I found that she had been saving her TSP all in the G fund for 7 years, giving us a good amount to play with near another market bottom. I won't claim I got her all in to stocks at the market bottom, but I figured again (like on 02) that it couldn't get much worse and she (We, now that we're married =) ) got some nice gains out of it.

So this year, and going forward, my realistic goal is to stay above 7% increase every year; 7% being the magical number to double your money every 10 years. I would love to hit above 10%, but won't count on it as realistic average. Anyway, last year was the first time that I really took a very active roll in trying to manage the TSP account(s), and found myself utterly confused. I found that I would read one article and it would be all gung ho for huge gains with all these impressive charts to prove it.... and then I would read another article with the same charts showing how the sky is falling... grrrrr I found it so frustrating, but I did notice that if I went in, the "sky is falling" article gave me an idea of what to watch out for in case it went bad and get out in time, or before it was way too late. So I found myself making incremental steps up the ladder, with the losses usually not overtaking my gains.

So to end this ramble, my specific goals this year are:
1. Figure out if going all in works for me, I usally go 35 - 75% in. I usually keep some in G fund with the thought that if the market goes down, I can buy in with the rest at a lower price, however, it really limits gains that can be made.
2. Spend some time really looking over others technical analysis, with the goal of understanding how the anaylsis was made and try to gain enough knowledge to do some analyzing myself.
3. Relating to #2, figure out where I can get the charts to anaylyze
4. If all else fails, I'll start trying to lose money in my TSP. I figure it always seems to do the opposite of what I want, so if I want it to go down, it will dissappoint me and go up!!!!!

ps - I promise this will be the most i'll ever write...
Welcome Daze823, sounds like you have a plan already that's a good start. Stick around and join in that's the way to learn
Best of luck:D
Daze823, Welcome aboard. This is a really great place to learn. The members here are great and I have learned a lot.

You mentioned that you want to make 7% a year and by taking an active roll in you and your wifes account you have the potential to do better. Just don't get greedy and put in some stops in you mind set. In other words if my account falls 3% I will go to the G fund or if my account hits 5% over a certain period I will go to the G fund. I wish I had followed this this advice in 2008 and 2011. I got into TSP at the very beginning and did very little with my account until a friend showed me what I could really do with my account. That was in 2004 and I got involved here in 2007. But here is an example of what you can accomplish and I am not as good as some of these other folks are.

2004 - 16.96%
2005 - 17.38%
2006 - 17.85%
2007 - 7.57%
2008 - 12.82%
2009 - 14.14%
2010 - 20.87%
2011 - 2.17%

Good Luck
I’ve spent some time reviewing TSP talk, gathering informationthat I believe will be useful in my endeavor to research, learn, and decide onhow to invest my TSP account. I’veprovided links for easy access to the information.

10 Month Modified SMAMethod
This method intrigues me, measured at the end and middle ofmonth, works perfectly for two trade limit, and appears to me that it will helpme take some of the emotion out of getting in or out too soon, but stilllimiting exposure to two weeks during a long bear run.

David.alan.williams has put in the time and work to create aeasy to use spreadsheet (that he has made available to everyone (thank youagain David). Read more or get thespreadsheet in his 10 Month Modified SMA Method Talk here: http://www.tsptalk.com/mb/showthread.php?9113-10-Month-Modified-SMA-Method-(M-SMA)

RNI’s OCD Chart:
RealMoneyIssues has created a chart which tracks severaltrading methods available on TSPTalk, as well as others (as far as I can tell),showing the long and short of the different methods, as well their currentplace on the TSP AutoTracker. As thetitle suggests, this seems to be a very labor intensive endeavor, which he hasbeen generous enough to share with the rest of us, thank you for this RealMoneyIssues. This is definitely a tool I will use to seewhat others are doing, what I will do with the information I’m not sure yet,but it’s something I want to know. Linkto RealMoneyIssues account talk here:
RealMoneyIssues has also given me a link to a good referencefor investing terms (which I need more often than I want to admit), the linkis: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/long.asp

TSP Millionaires
Found a forum discussing TSP Millionaires, which I find funto read and think about, personally it gives me motivation to do what Ican. Member Boghie provided some numbers(I didn’t try and calculate them so I can’t verify the numbers are correct) ondifferent contribution levels (starting at age 30), and how much you could haveat 65. Look for post #52: http://www.tsptalk.com/mb/showthread.php?8487-TSP-Millionaires&highlight=tsp+balances+average

Another interesting article on TSP Millionaires, fromgovexec.com is: http://www.govexec.com/dailyfed/0710/070210rp.htm

Sometime in the last couple of days, I read someone's post saying "I don't like being half invested, as I find myself confused if I want the market to go up or down".... I'm up a little over 2% so far YTD, as i've only been 40% invested, 35G, 25F, 15C, 15S, and 10I. this was initially done to pull out some gains from end of year, and minimize risk until I saw what the market was going to do.. Now I find myself not wanting to get out (market still looks good, although maybe a little overbought), but don't want to go in with the rest at the top and lose all the gains and more... Had I gone all in, and be up the 6% that many at the tracker are, it would be a easy decision for me to back out to where I am now, limiting risk and still have a little in there to capture gains... kind of how when I'm winning at the casino, I'll put my money aside and play with their money....

anyway, probably going to stay where I am now, hope for a breather (level would be nice, but would take smal drop) and go in next week if it happens. and my next buy in will be all in, I've always struggled pulling that trigger, but I think it's time to get out of my comfort zone.

my thought of the day: i wonder if kids today would understand the concept of having to turn a dial to channel surf, and have to get off the couch to do it to boot.
So I finally got tired of waiting, and went 50S and 30I 2 days ago, it was a tough call for me, as everyone was saying that the resistance was likely to hold, and the market was going to need a consolidation or small drop to sustain the growth, it doesn't just go straight up, etc... I figured I'd take the risk in case it did break resistance, yesterday was a pretty flat day, and with today's opening the way it was, I decided to preserve what earnings I could and jump into G..... I still am not sure if getting out was what I wanted to do, but I think I was more scared into it, but getting out with that extra 1% was nice... It will be interesting to see what happens this next week, of course I would like to see a consolidation and a solid base for my entry next week, but from what I'm reading now, it seems a constant rise is a real possibility... my next move will be all in (thats me trying to syke myself up)....
RealMoney, I probably should have put thought of the year, as I try not to think to much.. lol

Don't have much time to spend now looking, but what happened to the market, it was heading up in the morning, then an hour later on it's way back down... not a real question, just saying...

Thought of the day: with 10 years working for the Feds, I am pretty sure I wouldn't still be here if I had to pay 400% more for my retirement plan, and it only paid out a little more than half (of current plan) when I was through.... Realizing that the 2 biggest benefits are the retirement and health benefits, the health benefits alone would not keep me satisfied that it would all pay off in the end.
Things i'm starting to learn, but still don't have a comfortable amount of understanding:
- Shorting - if there are a good number of people shorting the market, and it turns up, the shorts may participate in market gain by then buying to cover their shorts.
- Stop Loss - Stop losses, if the market takes a swing down, it may pick up downward speed at a level that money managers have "picked" as their get out price, due to the increase of availability of stocks for sale, lowering prices.

I understand the basic process, what I don't understand, but plan on reaserching is:
- Is there any data on what these stop-losses are set at (I'm kinda guessing there isn't, would seem like it would be illegal to use that info)
- Do the larger money managers on average insert stop loss at certain levels, at a certain % loss, or maybe at a key level (i.e. 100sma, 50 sma, etc)
- When these stop losses, or covering the shorts kick in, is it usually indicative of the way the market will keep going, or does the market disregard these surges and continue either way as it will.

Thought of the day - When I drive in traffic in Miami, I feel like i'm caught in a slinky, I like to call it slinky traffic... instead of driving at an even slow speed, everyone likes to speed up so no one can get in front of them and then slam on their brakes when they get to close, and repeat... Try driving at a slower steady speed, it's so much more relaxing to not have to constantly start and stop... Even if someone gets in front of you, you will only get where you are going 3 or 4 seconds later, and thats only if they don't switch back over to another lane :-)
I find it interesting that only 1 person in the top 50 on auto tracker has made an IFT, and wonder if they are all like me and got busy during the holidays so parked their funds and just happened to be in the right place. Anyway, now I don't know what to do, in times like these I like to look at the top 50 or 100 and get an idea of what their consensus is, but trades are all over the map right now with strong performers going in opposite directions...

Things being as they are, I think there is too much risk for me to make a move, for now i'll stick with 30% G / 70% F, and wait for a clear direction. Although it is sooo tempting to jump in hoping to catch a bounce.

Thought of the Day: If your cruising down the highway in the left lane with the wind blowing through your hair and nothing but open roads ahead of you, and you look in your rearview mirror and see a parade of cars.... Get Out of the Left Lane !!!!!
I've been lurking, and posting on other peoples boards, so I've been around. I'm not really sure what made me think to find this old thread.
about 4 months ago I wrote S&P 1830 on a post it and stuck it on my monitor (I don't remember what I had read that made me think that was the number)... today we hit it... call me crazy, but I'm doubling my 40% that I went in two days ago... I hope its like one of those dreams where you dream lotto numbers and they come up.
I am liking my decision to double my 40% invested back on the 20th, everything I had been reading was doom and gloom (I mean everything) and I hedged my bets and went against the crowd and it worked out pretty well, I went to number 3 on the AutoTracker the next day, and then back down to about 100, and now I'm comfortably sitting in top 20. I still believe we have some down days coming, so after going in 80% I made several trades backing out around 20% each time and am now sitting in 35% C fund. now that we have 2 new trades in February, I'm struggling with what moves I want to make. I don't want to waste a trade lowering my exposure to 15%, so I'll stay for now and keep my finger close to the eject button. I really want to get my first year with over 10% gain, so this is a good start.
Not sure what's putting the bad taste in my mouth this morning, it's either being in the market (although only 35%) during this up and down ride, or Intrepid Timer hijacking JTH's thread and throwing a tantrum... Anyway, I think I'm getting out of the market today, I knew I was going for a ride, but I continue to think we have some down side action coming... Just trying to figure out if I'm gonna go into F or just lily pad it for now...

Futures are down right now, after being up earlier... hoping we get an up day so I can exit fat and happy
So I made the jump in, but I only jumped into the kiddy pool, went 20C / 20S / 60F. The last two months have done well towards the middle / end of the month, and there is a lot of negative sentiment out there, not to mention we've had several down days with really no relief rally's, only near break even days.. So I'm in, but it's a scary ride, so I only went slightly in.
I'm starting to like these contrarian indicators... Made the right decision to jump in, just made the wrong decision with how much to put in... Had I gone all in, I'd be getting out today before the long weekend, but with only partial exposure, and the F decreasing gains even further, I'm gonna stay for a bit longer...

#32 on tracker before today's close...