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Mike wrote:
Personally, I'm trying to take advantage of the market momentum effect, i.e. the idea that an asset class will continue to do well for a while before it mean reverts.
As a result, I've decided to rebalance, on a yearly basis, only those asset classes that are +/- 5% from their designated allocations. If they get out of wack before that, I'll just let them ride.
We'll see how it works out.
Mike wrote:
Nope. I've read quarterly, semi-annual, on your birthday, at the end of the year etc.Has anyone figured out what the "ideal" frequency of rebalancing is?
Personally, I'm trying to take advantage of the market momentum effect, i.e. the idea that an asset class will continue to do well for a while before it mean reverts.
As a result, I've decided to rebalance, on a yearly basis, only those asset classes that are +/- 5% from their designated allocations. If they get out of wack before that, I'll just let them ride.
We'll see how it works out.