Come on EUROs


:) I-100%
I do not think that great strides are happening on this side of the 'pond'. I kind of remember how they said the Euro was going to be down awhile, then race back to the top. On the tracker, I saw the 'I' train just passed me , this time I'm gonna hop on its coat tails and ride to the top.
I better move fast for that train hauls butt, when it gets going. :toung:
:) I-100%
I do not think that great strides are happening on this side of the 'pond'. I kind of remember how they said the Euro was going to be down awhile, then race back to the top. On the tracker, I saw the 'I' train just passed me , this time I'm gonna hop on its coat tails and ride to the top.
I better move fast for that train hauls butt, when it gets going. :toung:
I split 10% of fund into C and I back June 9th, and made a clean exit to G two days ago with the market flat. Felt lucky, and gained a bit.
Don't even watch the numbers much any more, just wait for fairly large drops in both funds, buy in, and exit when they are up 70 cents to a buck. Still, as ever, the noon (8am PST) deadline and transaction limits are the most restrictive things to deal with.

Think the only safe bet is not to go long (for us short timers) with the false sense of feeling the I will hit 26 bucks any time soon. Take the money and run, twice a month :D

Euro is skyrocketing again. If you got some at 1.19, next years European vacation money is already in the bank. My first trip over was at 1.65, OUCH! Sure blows to have to hold USD with all that's going on in the currency world, and dreams of retiring out of country :) That's life.