Christopher's Account Talk

Nice run up so far for a September, but "buy low, sell high" just told me to go 40/30/30 G/F/I . . . :laugh:

[revised] link to Yahoo! Finance U.S. and major world market tickers: added GLD, SLV, USO, UDN, UUP, FXE - up to 25 tickers now...^DJ...ORD,+^NZ50+GLD,+SLV,+USO,+UDN,+UUP,+FXE,&d=v1

Burned an IFT today, went G/F effective noon. :suspicious:
:) Welcome to the board. There is a lt of good info to be found here, you just need to follow the leaderboard,
and personally, I like Tom's notes,
to help in making good decisions!
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Thanks KD! I crossed the 40 threshhold two birthdays ago, don't feel much different except my waist size has since gone from a 34 to a 36? UH OH... :worried:

I second guessed myself yesterday, didn't make the move to rebalance, and what a bummer it was watching the S take a hit, the I take a jump, and my position on the AT take a dump. LOL :rolleyes: Though I'm uncomfortable in my own skin sitting 100% in any one fund except G, I moved from S to I today - guess I'm getting more and more used to living with that uneasy feeling in my gut...
Rebalancing today (see sig)...Tsunami, thanks for the ZeroHedge link you posted today on outflows - that seemed to do the trick. :worried:
Anticipating a bit of a post-holiday reversal: moving to 60%G, 10%C, 20%S, 10%I. Hopefully, we'll get a nice 3+ day drop and I can buy back in towards EOM. ;)
Thanks Scout but, as I said: sometimes, I'd rather be LUCKY than GOOD. And in THIS insane environment, that's saying something. :cheesy:

Moved to 30%G, 20%C, 20%S, 30%I for EOM
saw a quotable quote on

"A new form of inflation is increasingly described in the blogosphere. It better explains the pricing paradox Mr. Bernanke has failed to embrace. It's called "biflation." Everything you already own — a house, a car, a stock portfolio — has rapidly declined in value. Everything you actually need to buy — food, gasoline, medicine, education — is going up." ~ DJ Newswires' Al Lewis

no news flash here, just though it was well put. a QE3 scenario would further deteriorate conditions for average Americans...
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